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The next morning the had Tate sat in the back of Happy's car was they drive out of New York. He had been awake all night with Tony working on Peter's new suit and going over Tate's role in the upcoming battle. He had gotten maybe two hours sleep before he was being woken up and bustled into the car to pick up Peter. It was times like this that Tate wished he had his dad's suit and could skip the plane flights. Tony was going to meet them in Germany later that evening, aiming to fly across in the Ironman suit. It was much faster than the plane.

Peter was bouncing in his seat, practically vibrating in excitement as he watched New York disappear in the window behind them. Tate took another sip of his coffee, only staying awake out of pure will. He eyed Peter with sleepy wonder. How the hell was he so awake in the mornings?

"I slept last night, did you?" Peter asked, frowning at Tate's dark eye bags. Tate hadn't realised he had spoken out loud.

"I'll sleep on the plane", he shrugged. He drained his coffee and made a sad noise once he realised it was gone. Peter laughed so Tate tossed the cup at his head. Peter caught it easily, barely making a effort. Tate mentally cataloged the reaction time and yawned.

"New York", Peter intoned, voice gravely and deep. "Queens. It's a rough borough but hey it's home". Tate looked up from his phone to see Peter holding his phone up in the window. He was filming the view of the city in the distance.

"Who are you talking too?" Happy asked from the drivers seat.

"Oh um no one", Peter coughed, voice back to normal. He turned the phone to film Happy in the front. "Just making a little video of the trip".

"You know you can't show that to anyone right?"

Peter deflated a little. "Yeah yeah, I know. So, um why do they call you happy?"

In response, Happy put on his sunglasses and pressed the button for the partition. The screen raised up and blocked the driver from view. Tate sniggered and Peter turned the camera to him.

"Peter", Tate whined sleepily, covering his face with his hands. "Don't film me I look like shit. Come on".

Peter laughed but didn't turn the camera away. "Tate chill, it's not like anyone's going to see it but me".

Tate tried to glare at him through his fingers, all too conscious of the cellphone being pointed at him. "Peter I've had like two hours sleep. I look like a panda", he whined. Peter laughed harder.

"Okay okay. I'll turn it off for now". He lowered the phone and Tate sighed in relief. Peter tucked it back into his pocket and grinned widely at him. Tate stuck out his tongue and ran a hand through his hair. It was still damp from the shower.

"I'm going to sleep", he announced as he got out his earphones. "Wake me when we get to the airport. No filming please". He scowled at Peter and the other boy held up his hands innocently. His giggling ruining the innocent aura he was trying to portray. Tate glared at him for a second longer before plugging his earphones in and starting his playlist. Calm soothing beats began, accompanied by the sound of rain. Tate yawned loudly and curled up like a cat on the back seat. Turning so that his back was to the door, seatbelt bent around his frame, and pulling his feet onto the empty seat between him and Peter. Knees pressed to his chest, he tucked his head into the seat and closed his eyes.

Once Tate was still and his breathing had slowed, Peter turned to look at him. With his enhanced senses he could hear the music coming from the other boy's earphones. A playlist of soft low-fi songs that was soothing in their repetition. Tate was wearing a oversized graphic tshirt with a page from a shojo manga printed on the front, along with a pair of black sweat pants. He had kicked off his shoes and his socked feet were pressed against the leather seats. Peter noticed that his hoodie sat between them. Carefully, Peter picked it up and draped it over Tate's exposed arm.

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