Thirty one

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Tate had a spoonful of mint chocolate ice cream melting on his tongue, the spoon handle sticking out between his lips as he listened to the others

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Tate had a spoonful of mint chocolate ice cream melting on his tongue, the spoon handle sticking out between his lips as he listened to the others. Evil dead was playing on the ridiculously large tv in the living room and Charley and Jason were shouting at the characters. Abe adding in his own commentary about the stupid effects and the inaccuracy of the gore. Callum laughing along. The film not being taken seriously by any of the teenagers on the couch.

"Sup guys", a female voice called. Tate pulled the spoon out of his mouth and waved it at MJ. Jason moved up and she flopped back heavily into the rich leather between him and Tate with a sigh.

"You made it", he smiled slightly.

"Yeah. Stark freaking tower", she grinned at him. She blew her hair out of her face and looked around. "Evil dead? I thought this was a heartbreak cheer up session".

Callum leaned round Tate to hand MJ a spoon. "Ice cream? Tate is hogging the mint chock chip but there's strawberry, double chocolate brownie, cookie dough, vanilla because Abe is a basic bitch"-

"Fuck you vanilla is amazing".

"-Or there's sorbet. Raspberry, mango and lemon". He waved a hand at the mini fridge and freezer built under the coffee table in front of them. (Tony had ordered that specially after a particularly long Lord of the rings marathon during which he had been too lazy to get up and get more ice cream or soda. Pepper disproved but they were great for movie nights).

"I'll have the raspberry sorbet", MJ answered as she leaned over to open the small freezer door. The tiny two shelves just big enough to hold two cartons of each flavour. She grabbed one and leaned back again. "So, evil dead?" She asked again. "Thanks for inviting me but the way".

"B horror movies are funny", Tate shrugged. On screen, a guy was close to having his face brunt off by his possessed girlfriend. Callum laughed as Charley began heckling the screen.

"Go on, kill him. Get him girl! Get him! Yes!"

Jason adding his own thoughts. "No! For frock's sake! This guy is stupid".

"Nice save there Jason", Abe sniggered. Jason reached over and stuffed the hall raised spoon of vanilla into Abe's mouth. The smaller boy choked sand kicked at him before glaring as he swallowed. "That was cold you dick".

MJ and Tate sniggered. "So", she turned to him, eyes assessing. "What did Parker do anyway?"

"Only told him that he didn't need him anymore", Callum snorted in disgust. "To his face. Made him feel useless while also turning him down at the same time. Uncalled for".

"Thank you Callum", Tate rolled his eyes. He sighed, the hurt in his chest less sharp now but still sore. "I guess he's just going through a lot and I was being a nuisance to him. Overbearing. He likes Liz anyway so he's probably straight".

MJ giggled. "Parker straight? Yeah. He gives of queer vibes from ten feet away. It's almost as obvious as you".

"Am I obvious?"

Callum sighed. "Baby Stark, you're adorable but you're obviously rainbow. It's the lack of toxic masculinity, respect for women and also the way you dress. Something about all of that just gives off Lgbt vibes". Tate paused then shrugged in defeated agreement.

"Is the lack of toxic masculinity now just a lgbt trait?" Jason voiced. "Wait, does that mean that I have it? I'm straight!"

"You're one of the few exceptions", MJ laughed as Jason pouted. After a few more minutes where they were distracted from their conversation by the events on screen. Another character died and a possessed body was trying to kill the last survivor. Halfway through the ensuing fight scene, MJ spoke up again. She had been looking at her phone. "Guys, wait. Stop the movie. Switch on the news!"

"What is it?" Charley asked.

"It's Spider-Man. There's an incident on the Hudson". Tate jumped at the words and reached forwards to grab the remote. He paused the movie and switched it over to the news. Footage, probably from a helicopter or a drone, was shooting a ferry boat from above. The boat was cut neatly in half and within those two falling halves was the familiar form of Spider-Man. The hero swinging through the ship as he spun webs. He was doing his job but Tate could see from the feed that it could all go horribly wrong. Peter was amazing but could he handle a whole ferry? There was too many variables.

He pushed himself out of the tangled limbs of his friends and leaned forwards. "Friday!" He announced loudly. "Call dad".

"Calling dad". Friday's voice repeated.

"That's cool", MJ muttered at the electronic voice.

Tony picked up after the second ring. Tate didn't wait for him to speak first. "Dad. Spider-Man might need some help. Have you seen the news?"

"I see it kid", Tony's voice was crackly with wind. Already flying in his iron man suit. "I'm just coming back from avengers hq. Don't worry. He will be fine".

Callum rested his hand on Tate's shoulder comfortingly. The only other one who knew that Peter was Spider-Man and therefore could understand what Tate would be feeling right now. The others were watching the news in interested silence. Charley looked like he was watching a thrilling movie. He was perched on the edge of his seat like Tate, leaning forwards with his hand on Callum's knee. Abe was leaning back listening intently. Jason not moving and MJ typing quickly on her phone as the news continued.

"I will call you back in a minute. It will be fine Tate". Tony reassured again.

Tate nodded then the call cut off. On screen, the webs broke and Spider-Man fell. Everybody let out a loud gasp and Tate bolted to his feet. Peter was hanging between the two halves like a spider caught on the wind. The two halves of the ship only behind held together by his brute strength.  Tate was wringing his hands as they watched Peter struggle.

"He's not going to be able to do it", Jason muttered.

"But the people!" Abe objected. "He has too".

"Iron man will get there in time right?" Charley glanced at Tate.

"Go Spider-Man!" Callum called at the screen. "He can do it".

"Come one Spider-Man!" Abe cheered.

"Come on", Mj whispered with them, her hands tugging on her curls.

On the tv, the news camera focused in on Spider-Man. Tate could see his arms shaking with the strain. He built his lip then his shoulders sagged a familiar red and gold devices came flying through the air. They fixed themselves to the sides of the ferry and the jets powered on. A familiar suit soaring down from the sky. Everyone let out sighs of relief as Tony flew down and pushed the two halves of the ferry together smoothly. Tate felt himself sag with relief as Spider-Man disappeared within the depths of newly fused back together ferry. Peter was okay. Everyone was okay. He sat back down as the others all clapped and cheered the screen

"Your dad is so cool", Abe laughed. Tate nodded but the worry still lingered in his stomach.


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