Twenty one

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Tate grimaced down at his legs in annoyance. Around him the rest of the class was doing various activities meant to occupy their session of gym. Callum and Jason were across the room at the ropes. The two boys shoving each other and laughing at something. If it wasn't for his stupid legs, his stupid injury, then he would be over there too. He would be racing Jason up the ropes or laughing as Callum commented on the other boys in their class. But no, he was still in physical therapy and therefore banned from gym. And to make matters worse, his legs had flared up. Nerve damage from the trauma apparently. While his muscles were healing, his nerves had decided to be sensitive and today they were particularly sore.

It had been noticeable enough that morning that Pepper had restricted him to the braces again. "You are improving so much sweetie", she had soothed when Tate had finally stopped grumbling in frustration. "But even now you're going to have bad days. There is nothing shameful about letting them rest for rest for a bit. I'll call your PT and have them check you over before school okay?" She had also offered for him to stay home, and offer Tate was now regretting. Abe was ill with a nasty cold and Callum had already been scolded for trying to stick to Tate's side. Charley had changed classes and therefore no longer shared gym with them, so Tate was by himself.

His frustration and envy was quickly becoming a bitter taste in his mouth. The still slightly throbbing soreness, despite the pain meds, was making him angry. Why couldn't his body just heal normally? Why did his legs have to keep being a hindrance? He wanted to skate and go kickboxing again. Not be stuck with freaking leg braces and crutches.


He looked up to see Liz waving at him. She and a few of her friends were seated on the bleachers opposite him. She gestured go him to come over and Tate began hobbling towards towards them. "Hi Tate", Liz greeted with a smile. "We thought you might like to join us. You looked a bit lonely".

Tate pushed down his sigh, he hadn't wanted his thoughts to show on his face, and pulled up a smile. "Sure. Hi girls". He waved and the other girls waved back. There was Betty, blonde hair tied back. Behind her sat Cindy and Sally, two other familiar faces from the decathlon team. They all greeted him with smiles and nods.

"We were playing Fuck, Marry, Kill", Betty explained.

"Avengers style", Cindy grinned. "Wanna join?"

Tate felt amusement tug at his lips. "Sure. I'm Demi so I can't really answer on the fuck part, and the marriage part will be completely based on material assets". He neglected to say that Iron man was his dad and he had therefore met all the other avengers, if only to amuse himself.

The girls didn't say anything about his confession, not needing to. Betty started off first. "Okay", she smiled. "F, marry, kill. Iron man, Thor and hulk".

Tate promptly pulled a face. "I'm not answering that one. For one, Thor has a unhealthy obsession with pop tarts and junk food. Two, Bruce has the biggest crush on Black widow. And three, Iron man. No. Just no". Then he flushed as he realised what he had just said. "Never mind. You guys choose".

"Come on Betty", Cindy groaned. "Tate is right. Those men are old enough to be our fathers. What about the new heroes? Some of them look cool".

"Yeah", Sally grinned as she tucked her curly brown hair behind her ear. "There's the panther guy and scarlet witch. She's cute. Or what about that red and blue guy with the stone in his head. What was his name again?"

"Vision", Tate supplied. Sally waved her hand pointedly.

Betty huffed. "Well for me it's F Thor, marry iron man cause he's rich and kill hulk".

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