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Tate found Natasha before he found Peter. He skidded to a stop at her side just as something exploded behind him. "Alright now I'm pissed", Rhodey grumbled through the comms.

"Hi Nat", Tate grinned as he helped her up.

"I thought Tony told you to stay back", she frowned as she dusted herself off.

Tate shrugged. "Ah teenagers. They never do what they're told".

"You've got that right", Tony grumbled as he landed next to them.

Nat gave the man a look, the effect of which was probably lessened by Tony's helmet. "Is this part of the plan?"

"Well my plan was to easy on them. You wanna switch it up?"

Nat nodded, blowing a stray hair from her face. Tony turned to Tate and gave him a thumbs up. "Vision", Tate voiced down the comms. "That's your cue".

"Accepted", vision answered. His voice as robotic and English as ever. Tate was half tempted to call him Siri from now on.

"Call the kid and his highness", Tony instructed. He turned to watch as Steve's team formed around him. "We're going to have to end this".

Tate smiled. "You guys hear that?"

"Got it Mr Stark!" Peter's voice chirped back. There was a grumble from T'Challa.

"On my way".

Tony nodded. "Nat, need a lift?" He held out a hand and Nat took it. They took off, Tony pulling Natasha through the air behind him as they flew across the airport. Tate kicked his skates and skidded after them. He shot around Steve and his team and turned into a sharp stop under where vision was hovering. The wheels of his skates kicking up slight sparks for effect. His dad and Nat landing at his side. Rhodey gave T'challa a lift. Black Panther landing in a agile roll before standing and positioning himself next to Nat. They were shortly followed by Peter, who swung round and hopped between Tate and Rhodey.

"Loved the sparks. They were so cool", Peter commented through his mask. Tate smiled back through his helmet.

"Good job on catching that punch. Epic". He held out a hand and they fist bumped, wriggling their fingers as they drew their hands away. Both of them made the balalalah noise in unintentional synchronisation. Tate laughed in surprise. "Man! Big hero 6?"

"Dude! Love that movie!"

"Me too!"

"Boys!" Tony shouted, interrupting the conversation. "Another time maybe?"

"Sorry Mr Stark".


Tony's huff was audible through his helmet. A few feet away, Steve was staring at them with mild confusion. "Teenagers Tony? Really?"

"Like you're one to talk", Tony shot back. The two teams felt into silence as the mood turned serious. The two groups of superheroes sizing each other up. Tate narrowed his eyes at Steve's team. There was Bucky Barnes, the winter soldier, who Steve was doing this for in the first place. Sam Wilson, the falcon. Wanda Maximoff, the scarlet witch. Clint Barton, Hawkeye. The three old avenger members who Tate had met before, but had defected with Steve. And then there was the weird guy with antenna looking things on his helmet who could shrink. Yeah, Tate did not know what to make of the last one.

"This is not going to end well", Natasha sighed as Steve and his team began to advance forwards.

Tony started forwards as well, the others following him. "Um they're not stopping!" Peter called out as the walk became a jog.

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