Twenty two

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Tony ran a hand through his hair as the lift doors to his apartment opened. He strolled down the hall way and straight into the kitchen, automatically going for the fridge. As he rummaged for any food left over by their cook or Pepper, he slowly became aware of loud voices and music emanating from Tate's room down the hall. Kicking the fridge door shut, not interested in it's meagre contents, he pulled open a cupboard and opened a bag of rosemary and cheddar breadsticks. Tony crunched loudly as he approached the noisy door. The voices becoming louder along with the sounds of music, some sort of pop beat with shouty words.

Tony knocked and pushed the door open. "Hiya kiddo. I'm home". Tate looked away from the tv screen. He was on his bed in his pyjamas. The familiar faces of his friendship group all huddled around him. Callum and another boy with a pointy nose and floppy brown hair was cuddled into on either side, the duvet pulled up around as they leaned back  against the cushioned headboard. Another boy with tanned skin and short golden brown hair, dressed in nothing but a pair of sweatpants was sprawled on his stomach across the foot of the bed. Despite his lack of clothing, the boy didn't look cold.

The room was lit by the red of Tate's fairy lights and the flashing lights of the tv. A group of pretty Asian boys were dancing to some pop song across the screen. In between the tangled legs of the four boys was three pizza boxes. Tony closed the door and strolled over to inspect the left overs. Hawaiian, Eww. How Tate could eat that was beyond him. He grabbed a piece of the pepperoni and took a hungry bite, much to Tate's verbal objection. "Get your own pizza!"

"Hi Mr Stark", Callum grinned. He had his long dark hair tied up in a bun and was wearing a oversized tshirt, obviously borrowed from Tate. (Only Tate had T-shirt's with romance manga on them). Tony mentally sighed at the other two teen boys. Even after Tate talking about them for years, he still wouldn't remember which boy was which. Wasn't there one missing?

"Hello Callum", Tony nodded. "Mr Stoke, Mr Lockwood". He inclined his head at the other two teens. "Where's your little shouty friend? Buzz cut hair?"

"Abe", the tanned boy supplied.

Tony clicked his fingers. "Him. Where's Abraham?"

"He's ill", Floppy brown hair voiced.

Tony shrugged then looked over the boys again. "Which ones are you?"

"Tate", Callum the boy with floppy brown hair gasped. He shook Tate's shoulder. "How many boys have you been having over? Have you been cheating on us?"

"Dad this is Charley and the dude showing skin is Jason", Tate groaned, waving a hand.

"I'd never cheat on our friendship", Jason spoke up. "You bros mean the world to me".

Charley pressed a hand to his heart. "Bro. That was romantic as fuck. Same".


"Bro". The two of them smacked their hands together.

"Cute", Tony snorted. He looked over the boys again, taking in how Callum and Tate were practically cuddling and the dark bags under Tate's eyes. "Now spill it kiddo".

"Spill what?" Tate blinked at him.

"Don't give me that small fry", Tony wagged a finger. "I have just come back from arguing with government and shield officials. Now spill what has got you so down in the dumps".

"Nothing", Tate squeaked back.

Tony huffed fondly and perched himself on the edge of the bed, mindful of all the gangly limbs. "Exhibit A, Callum is hugging you. Exhibit b, you are all obviously having a sleep over. Exhibit c, you got Hawaiian, which is your comfort pizza. Shall I continue?" Tate rolled his eyes.

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