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Much to Tate's sinking disappointment, the doctors came back with bad news. His legs were worse than they had thought. While the surgery had helped and they had done what they could, Tate would have a large amount of treatment ahead of him. The thought of it wasn't pleasant. But it was lightened by the fact that at the end of the week he would be stable enough to fly back to New York. That prospect cheered him up immensely.

Callum, once Tate had located his phone and face timed him, had given him a fiercer talking to than Pepper. It had involved a lot of swearing and general dramatics. Tate dutifully listened to it all. He felt bad that he had made his friend worry so much. It was a bit of dick move, going to fight people and not telling Callum. But Tate supposed it had been a bit of a whirlwind. What with Peter, his father, then being whisked to Germany and told to babysit bug boy. He hadn't really had time to make many choices.

"Dude", Callum sighed once his long shouting rant was over. "I was worried man".

"Sorry", Tate muttered, ashamed.

Callum sighed and flicked his hair out of his face. Tate could see the dark city skyline behind Callum's shoulders through the screen. It was late at night there. The time difference between the two countries meaning that Tate was falling asleep during the middle of the afternoon. He hadn't gotten the chance to get over his jet lag yet. "So how long will you have to be in a wheel chair?" Callum asked, voice softer.

Tate grimaced down at his legs. The two limbs hidden under the blanket. "Between three weeks to a month. Just so that my tendons and muscles can repair themselves. Then I have to go through two weeks of crutches before I can get the pins taken out. Once they're out I will have two months of physio therapy before I can think of walking by myself".

"Shit", Callum breathed. "You really fucked yourself up Tate". Tate burst out laughing.

"If I'm going to get injured, might as well go all the way right?" He declared with a grin.

Callum snorted. "Tate. Going all the way is dying. No dying. It's not allowed".

"Okay. Maybe I didn't think that all the way through". Callum was cackling into his pillow. The laptop shaking as he laughed, giving Tate a blurry image.

"Trust you to get the most seriously injured during the fight", Callum stated with a shake of his head. His grin still wide but with a fond edge.

Tate shrugged. "You know me Cal. I'm always going the extra mile. If Abe, Jason and Charley ask then it was a car accident okay? I went on a emergency business trip with my dad and got into a car accident".

Callum nodded, face turning serious. "There is one positive to this you know".


"No gym for the rest of the school year".

Tate snorted loudly. "Wow. I can sit there in my new Stark engineered wheelchair watching a bunch of guys get undressed. I'll look like such a perv". He doubled over giggling.

Callum wriggled his eyebrows. "Hey. I'd love it. If only there were more six packs".

"Oh god", Tate was turning red from laughing. "Stop! Stop! I'll hang up! I mean it Callum!"

"Aww are you embarrassed?" Callum teased. "Little baby Tate embarrassed? Just unleash your inner gay!"

"Dude", Tate whined. "Why am I friends with you?" His shoulders where shaking from humour.

"I know, I know. You're not gay, you're Demi. I get it. Not sexual attraction until you know them", Callum groaned. "But that takes so long". He flopped back with a grumbling noise. Tate giggled.

A knock on the door sounded and Tate jerked his head up in surprise. "Hello? The door opened and Peter stuck his head through. He grinned at Tate widely. "Oh Peter! I thought you had gone back to New York".

The door opened wider and Peter walked through the door followed by Tony. Tony was in his usual expensive suit and he had a pair of sunglasses balanced on his nose. He tugged them off as he came inside. "Yeah I offered for him to stay", he explained as he ruffled Tate's hair. "Hi Callum". He waved at the laptop.

"Hey Mr Stark", Callum called.

Peter skipped over and eagerly took a seat on the other side of Tate's bed. He was in his usual jeans and tshirt. The shirt today reading OMG, each letter a square in the periodic table of elements. "Mr Stark offered for me to stay until you can go back to New York".

"Just to keep you company", Tony added. "Don't want you getting bored and hacking the pentagon now do we?" Tate grinned and neglected to tell his dad that he had already done that.

A beep sounded from Tony's phone. Tony scowled at the offending device. "That's my cue. Gotta go and play nice with corporate people. You two boys play nice". He pointed at the two of them as he left the room. Tate waving him goodbye.

"So Parker", Callum grinned through the screen. "What are you doing there?"

Peter jumped. "Oh um. Stark internship?" It came out more of a question.

"Uhhuh", Callum nodded but it was clear he wasn't buying it. "So the spider guy on the news, the one that Tate was talking about. That's not you?"

Peter squeaked while Tate just sighed and rolled his eyes. "I didn't tell him", he defended when Peter gave him a look. "He's just smart".

"Yeah", Peter sighed. "I'm Spider-Man".

"Wicked. That thing you did when you stole Cap's shield! So cool. I've watched it on YouTube so many times".

"You put the fight on YouTube!" Peter turned to Tate with wide eyed.

"Relax Pete", Tate scoffed. "I removed anything that revealed code names or location. I'm not dumb. Besides, it was only a few short clips".

"They have gone viral!" Callum exclaimed excitedly. "Millions of views". Tate leant back against his pillows proudly. He hissed as the sudden shift pulled at the stitches in his stomach.

"You okay?" Peter asked worriedly.

"I'm cool", Tate huffed as he pressed the button for morphine. "Wouldn't be the first time I've been in hospital. Just a bit sore".

"Well next time don't try catching men in metal suits falling from the sky", Callum scolded.

Tate ignored him. "How are your ribs?"

Peter smiled and waved his arms around in demonstration. "Almost healed. Just bruised now".

"That's good".

"Awww", Callum cooed. Peter flushed bright red as Tate scowled.

"Don't you have homework?"

"Yes I do! I've also saved yours for you for when you get back", Callum smirked.

"Don't I get a free pass since I'm in hospital?" Tate groaned.

"Nope. Hey Peter. Just asking a question for research. Do you have a six pack?"

Peter flushed even darker.

"No!" Tate stated firmly.

"It's just for science!" Callum defended. "There's not enough six packs at this school! I need to know if there are any at all! He's a hero, he must have one".

"Good night Callum", Tate waved.

"Tate! Buddy! Wait"- Callum disappeared as the video feed cut off. Tate closed the laptop with a sigh. He ran a hand through his hair and turned to Peter. The boy was playing with his hands awkwardly.

"So", Tate said slowly, trying to ignore the sudden tension. "Want to play among us?"

Peter perked up like a puppy with treats. "Yeah!" He pulled out his phone excitedly. Tate pushed his laptop away and Peter took it and placed it on his bedside table. He handed Tate his iPad. The boy thanking him.

"I claim blue!"

"I claim red!"


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