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It took a few minutes of careful shifting before Tate and Peter managed to move the walkway enough so that Peter could let go without crushing himself. "You okay?" Tate asked as Peter shook out his arms.

"Yeah. You?"

"A few bruises and battered pride", Tate replied. Gestured towards the airplane hangers where the rest of the fighting was taking place. "Come on". Peter held out a hand and Tate eyed it. "What".

"It's quicker", Peter replied. Before Tate could argue the boy wrapped a arm round under his shoulders and was pulling him up into the air. Tate didn't have time to scream before they were swinging across the airport. It was like being on a rollercoaster. The dropping of the stomach as you fell then the swoop of adrenaline as you soared upwards. Tate inwardly marvelled at how easily Peter balanced their combined weight, hitting the right amount of momentum on each swing.

"That's terrifying", Tate gasped as they landed safely on the ground.

"Pay back for the piggy back ride", Peter chuckled. Tate flipped him the bird. He would have said more but a series of yells down the comms made them both jump. They turned towards the fight and jerked in surprise. "Holy shit!"

"Okay so the small guy is big now", Rhodey commented nervously in their ears. Tate blinked. The man with antenna on his helmet who could shrink, was now the size of a office building. He had a hand gripped on Rhodes' leg. The jets on his suit straining to get free.

"Fucking hell", Tate muttered as the giant swung his hand and threw him through the air.

"I've got him!" Peter called. The boy jumping up and webbing a line to Rhodes' suit. For a minute he was dragged along but Peter managed to latch onto a truck and stop Rhodes' momentum. Rhodey twisted in the air and hovered.

"Thanks kid".

"Okay", Tony voiced down the comms as he evaded a exploding airplane. "Anyone on our team hiding any shocking and fantastical abilities they'd like to disclose. I'm open to suggestions".

"Sorry dad", Tate replied. The wheels on his feet folded out. He skated in a wide circle around the giant man. Above him Peter was swinging from his arms like the spider he was. Rhodes flying around and occasionally pelting him with missiles. Beneath the giant's feet, T'Challa and Clint were engaged in a vicious brawl. Tate sped past, pushing Clint heavily as he passed. The man stumbled and T'Challa knocked him to the floor.

"Made you look!" Tate crowed. Clint glared at him as he sped away.

Unfortunately the little shove got Wanda's attention. Tate yelped as a red glow surrounded him. "I've had experience with fast boys", she snarled, very obviously pissed off by the whole fight. She jerked her hands and Tate was thrown against a pile of crates. The impact knocked the breath out of him and he crumpled to the ground.

"Hey Tate", Tony's voice echoed through the comms. Tate could just about see his red suit in the distance as he weaved in a complicated dog fight with Wilson. "You okay".

"Yeah", Tate groaned once he got his breath back. "Just having a breather". Around him came through sounds of explosions. The giant guy was yelling and swatting at Pater.

"Hey Guys!" Peter shouted as he avoided a massive hand. "You know that really old movie Empire strikes back?"

"Amazing movie", Tate wheezed as he pushed himself to his feet.

"Jesus Tony how old is this kid?" Rhodes grumbled.

"I don't know. I didn't carbon date him. He's on the young side".

"You're just old", Tate retorted. He began skating in blurring circles round the giant guy's legs. "Hey Peter! Pass me a web!" As he swung above him, Peter shot out a web. Tate caught the end as Peter connected the other side to the giant's knee.

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