Thirty Five

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"Are you okay?" Tate asked. It was break and he had pulled Peter aside before they could meet with the others out on the bleachers. Across the green of the field, their friendship group was visible in a huddle on the seats. Callum and Charley snogging while Abe pelted them with peanuts. Ned, Mj and Jason all ignoring them and discussing something a few rows down. Tate pulled his hoodie closer around his shoulders in the autumn chill, eyes watching Peter's face.

"I'm fine", Peter retorted instantly. Tate gave him a narrowed eyed look, not buying his bull. 

"Are you sure? You can talk to me Petey boy". The nickname sprung from his lips before he realised and as soon as it was in the air, it was almost a relief. It felt like it had been ages since he had used the familiar nicknames. At the sound of it, Peter softened and relaxed. He blinked at Tate with big brown eyes, a deep warm brown. So much lighter than Tate's own black irises. 

"Why are you always so nice to me?" Peter's voice was a half frustrate groan, a half fond sigh. 

Tate shrugged, his heart stung but he smiled anyway. "Because I am your friend Pete. I am nice to my friends". He didn't want to tell him that it was more than that.

Peter waved his hand in a wild motion as his voice went high. "But I was horrible to you! I messed up your work and have been nothing but a disappointment to Mr Stark. You should hate me".

Tate opened his arms and wrapped them around Peter's waist. The other boy was slightly taller than him and tense with anxiety. For a second he was stiff then he sighed and melted into the hug, chin resting on Tate's shoulder. His body was warm even through their layers. "You apologised and I know you didn't mean it", Tate muttered gently. "Also, I am not my dad. You haven't disappointed me. I just wanted you to be safe".

"Why?" Peter's voice was small. Tate's hair was tickling his cheek and it was distractingly soft.

Tate sighed, frustration starting to colour his voice. "Because you're fifteen! You are my friend! Stop doubting yourself". He grabbed Peter by the shoulders and pushed him back so that he could shake him. "Peter Benjamin Parker! You have people who care about you and want you safe! You are amazing and strong! Stop doubting yourself!" 

Peter let his head loll as Tate shook him. Eventually he began giggling at the movement and Tate stopped. The black haired boy began giggling too. He let go and suddenly Peter didn't want to lose contact with the other boy. He reached forwards as Tate leaned back and caught him in a tight hug. This time Tate was squished in his arms, face tucked into Peter's chest. "Thank you", Peter smiled in to his hair. "You're a great friend". Tate swallowed at the words, stiffening then relaxing. 

"Peter! Ribs! Ribs!" He poked him in the stomach and Peter released him. Tate staggered away, his body leaving a warm imprint on Peter's chest, taking comical gaps of air. "I swear everyone is out to smother me to death with their hugs", he huffed. 

"It's because you're small and cute", Peter grinned. 

Tate scowled at him. "I and not small. You only have- like, in inch on me? Abe is shorter than the both of us". 

"Yea but Abe is feral".

"I can be feral". Tate straightened and bared his teeth. It should have been scary, or at lest Tate meant it to be, but it was simply adorable. 

Peter laughed, feeling lighter than he had been in weeks. It was as if Tate's presence had come and washed away the anxiety and guilt. The asian boy was so bright and good that it was blinding. None of their friends said it aloud but they all knew it. Tate steadied everyone. He always put other's first and held them together. He was a lightening presence even when he himself was going through it. It was why everyone was always so protective. Tate was cute and soft and calm. Peter didn't want that to change. 

"So feral", he agreed. Tate snorted and threw an arm around Peter's shoulders as they turned and began walking to join their friends. He was often the one to initiate touch. Peter had noticed that it was how Tate and his friends showed their affection. Touch. He had never realised how much he enjoyed it until Tate had pulled him in. 

"So are you going to the dance on Friday?" Peter asked. 

Tate hummed and ran a hand through his hair, no longer smiling. Instead his mind seemed to be thinking. "I'm not sure", he sighed after a second. 

"Not taking anyone?" Peter was curious. The want to pry moving his tongue. 

Tate looked at him with a sly smirk. "Are you Petey boy? Planning to ask anyone?"

Peter felt his face freeze. Suddenly he didn't want to tell Tate his answer. It seemed like a betrayal somehow, though he knew that Tate wouldn't be upset. "I'm taking Liz", he admitted. "Asked her earlier". 

Tate blinked and coughed. Then he was smiling at him again. "Congrats Pete!" He nudged Peter with his shoulder. "You've had a crush on her forever!" 

"How did you know?" Peter felt his face heat up as he spluttered. Tate chuckled. 

"It was pretty obvious". 

"Do you have a crush on someone?" Peter stuttered, desperately trying to turn the conversation round. He was too busy trying to will the blush to ebb to notice the way Tate's face fell for a second. 

"I'm Demisexual", he said after a second. Voice quieter. "But yes. I do have a crush on someone. I'm not going to ask them to the dance though. Too busy helping Happy with moving the last of the avenger stuff out of the tower". Peter hummed and mentally reminded himself to google the term later. He had aN idea of what it meant but wanted to clarify. If his idea was right then it made sense, Tate had never really shown sexual attraction to anyone before. 

"Oh, well there's always the dance next year. And there will be prom", Peter offered but it felt lame even to his own ears. Tate offered him a small smile anyway and Peter couldn't help but smile back. 


"Do you ever plan on confessing?" Peter felt a bit bitter as the question left his lips. Why? was this jealously? But he liked Liz. The bitterness unsettled him and only gave him more questions. 

Tate shrugged, hair moving like a curtain and Peter watched the movement as the strands brushed the boy's cheeks. "Not really. I guess I'm afraid of the change it might bring. I don't want to ruin things". 

"Whoever you like must be a good person", more bitterness on his tongue. 

Tate smiled and it was soft and fond and warm and the bitterness intensified. "Yeah. They are amazing". Peter wanted to ask for a name but that would be too much. He wanted to know and yet didn't. If the name was spoke then it would make the jealously real. He had to figure out what was going on with himself before reality hit him. 

Luckily Abe offered a welcome distraction. "Tate! Peter!" His voice echoed towards them. "Hurry up and settle this argument! Is Pluto a planet?" 

"No dissing my baby Pluto!" Callum broke away from Charley to call out. "Abe! Stop throwing peanuts at us!" A peanut hit him square in the forehead. "Alright, that's it. Babe hold my bag. I'm gonna kill him". Tate burst out laughing as Charley took Callum's bag. Abe let out of his seat and down the bleachers with Callum on his heels.

"You're all toddlers! All of you! Apart from Mj", Tate exclaimed. 

"Hey!" Jason and Ned took offence to that. Peter began laughing at the look on his best friend's face. Their friends were a mess but he loved it.


getting there guys. be patient. 

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