Thirty four

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The group had started using the group chat again over the weekend

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The group had started using the group chat again over the weekend. Tate had insisted on it. While they hadn't told Ned and Peter about the sleepover, it was mostly because they were helping Tate get over his rejection. Having Ned and Peter there would have made it worse. Most of the boys were still angry at Peter for upsetting Tate. But Tate told them that it was something between him and Peter and that it would be unfair for all of them to take it out on Ned too, despite the other boy being Peter's best friend.

So, with a bit of grumbling the group began using the group chat again. Mostly Charley texting about the latest ridiculous superhero gossip and Jason sending funny photos he had found on the internet. Ned replying quickly enough that it made Tate feel a little bad for excluding him, even though it was him who helped Peter hack his suit. MJ was apart of the chat too but she mostly sent them political news and anything weird and interesting. She didn't text as often as the others but her icon showed that she read the texts. Charley and Callum posted a photo of them kissing at cony island on the Saturday, announcing a successful date and their new relationship status. The only text Peter sent all weekend was to congratulate them. Other than that, there was silence from the boy.

The internet silence did not make Tate any less nervous when he entered school the next Monday, despite the words of assurance Pepper had given. Charley and Callum met him at the doors. The pair wrapped up in the other like they were one person. Whispering and exchanging sweet kisses, so completely wrapped up in their own world that they didn't notice Tate until he smacked Callum's backpack with his skateboard. It wasn't a hard hit but still Callum yelped and glared at him. Charley sniggering with his arms still around the other boy's waist.

"Tate!" Callum scowled at him. "Ouch".

Tate rolled his eyes. "It didn't hurt you big baby". Then he grinned widely with absolute joy and pride. "Guess who's now allowed back on a skateboard?"

Both Callum and Charley looked between Tate's face and the skateboard in his hands before they both began cheering. Charley reaching over to ruffled Tate's hair while Callum threw his arms around his best friend in a hug. "We have to go to the skatepark after school today", Charley declared. His own skateboard attached to his back pack as always.

"But we have to go back to mine so I can pick my board up first", Callum pointed out, finally extracting himself from Tate. He turned to shout at the two people walking over. Jason and Mj talking as they looked up. "He was a skater boy!"

"She said 'see you later boy!" a third voice called and Abe came bouncing round the gates. He threw himself onto Jason's back and the bigger boy caught him with barely a stumble. Abe pulled himself up and Jason pulled him into a piggy back position as they hurried over. Tate laughed at the sight and waved his skateboard at them on triumph.

"My therapist said that I can skate again if I take it easy".

"That's great!" Jason beamed. He dropped Abe as he joined them and turned his attention to Tate, pulling him into a bearhug for a second.

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