Twenty seven

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Tate bounced his leg as he waited in the hotel lobby. Around him the rest of the decathlon team were chatting animatedly as they waited for the last few people to arrive so that they could set off. Abe had his head on Tate's shoulder and was slumbering in his seat. Music was bubbling through their shared earphones. Peach pit and his guitar strumming away. Their bags were at their feet as Mr Harris did a head count. Tate turned around to look over the group. Abe huffed at him, waking up at the movement.

"Where's Peter?" Tate voiced loudly. His voice cutting through Mr Harris' headcount. Everyone paused and turned to Ned. The boy froze and glanced around in muted panic.

"I don't know", he mumbled. "He wasn't in the room this morning". Tate frowned, Ned was hiding something.

"Well we can't wait for him", Mr Harris declared. "Flash your back to chair!" Flash let out a whoop. "If anyone has his contact details, give him a heads up. Let's head out". He waved his hands towards the doors and the team started following him.

Tate pushed Abe off his shoulder. "Come on. We're going. Wake up".

"I'm awake!" Abe jerked up and scrabbled for his bag. "You okay?" He turned to double check. Tate waved him off and stood up. His legs were slightly sore from the swimming but nothing too bad. He pulled his skateboard from where it was strapped to his bag and set it down on the tiles.

"I'll meet you in the bus. I'm just going to go and talk to Ned for a sec", he waved Abe away and rolled over to Ned. "Ned! Where's Peter?"

Ned jumped as Tate grabbed him by the shoulder. He held on, letting Ned pull him through the lobby towards where their bus was waiting. He seemed nervous, eyes darting and not making contact. "I told you. I don't know".

"But you know something", Tate huffed. He shook the shoulder slightly. "I know he went out as Spidey last night. Come on, spill it".  Ned shook his head and Tate scowled. He ignored the concern and hurt in his gut. Now Ned knew more about Peter's Spider-Man activities than he did. Jealousy was a sour feeling. "Fine", he muttered, letting the other boy go. He pulled out his phone and flicked open the app he had specially created. It's purpose was to connect to the specially made trackers he had placed in every suit Tony had made, including Peter's. Currently the tracker was showing that Peter was still in his room. Tate frowned at it. That couldn't be right.

"Ned!" He called, skating up to block the boy from escaping through the doors. Ned yelped as Tate thrust out an arm in front of him . "Where's Peter? Because what my tech is telling me is that he is in his hotel room. My tech is rarely wrong, now spill it!" Tate could feel himself growing angry now. Frustrated and spurned.

Ned's face flushed. "Um I really don't know where he is. All I know is that he went to go and stop some bad guys. He's trying to find out where their headquarters are".

"But why can't I track him?" Tate snapped. Trust Peter to go off by himself.

"He may have asked me to take the tracker out of his suit", Ned said slowly, whole body wincing. There was a few seconds of silence. Ned cracked his eyes open and continued taking. "He didn't want you or mr Stark tracking him. Also, I may have taking off the training wheels protocol. The suit is super cool by the way. You've got to let me look at your programming someday".

Tate dropped his arm. "Oh". He didn't know what to feel at that statement. Betrayal? Could he call it that? Rebellion? It felt more like a rebellion. Peter obviously didn't want Tate involved anymore. All he was doing was holding him back. This was just the sign that he had been anticipating. Peter no longer needed or wanted him. It felt like someone had tied his insides into a knot.

Ned seemed to have read something in his face as he winced again. "I didn't mean it like that", he waved his hands. "No. Peter just doesn't want to put you in danger. He just wants to prove that he"-

"That he doesn't want me in his business", Tate finished, tone cold. He shouldered his backpack and turned away. "No. I get it. Thank you Ned". Then he was scooping up his skateboard and walking towards the bus. Behind him, ned cursed under his breathes he wondered how to explain this to Peter.


They won the decathlon, as Tate knew they would. He sat in the audience and clapped as Liz was handed the big trophy. Abe cheering with the rest of the team behind her. Tate fixed a wide grin on his face as he stood up and began waving his arms wildly. Abe laughing from onstage as they both tried to out cheer the other. In his hand, his phone was blowing up with notifications as Callum, Charley and Jason all spammed the group chat with celebration.

When the team came off stage, Abe ran over and Tate met him in a hug. "Man that was terrifying!" Abe gushed. "I kept on sweating and when they asked me that question about freaking chocolate! I thought I was gonna fail".

"You did great", Tate promised with a forced grin. He was happy for his friend, he really was but the revelation was still swirling in his chest. Abe, being the friend he was, immediately picked up on it.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked. Around them, the rest of the team were celebrating. The chatter of the crowded room effectively hiding their conversation.

Tate swallowed and shook his head. "I'm not feeling too great".

"Worried about Peter?"

Tate felt his face flush, with embarrassment or hurt, he did not know. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed harshly. "Yes, Urgh no! I'm wasting my time. He likes Liz and it's hopeless between us anyway. He doesn't want me".

Abe's face was patient and understanding. "Did he say that?"

"No but his actions spell it out enough", Tate muttered. "It doesn't matter. I'll be fine. Don't let me be a dick and ruin your victory". He pushed the anger and hurt away and threw his arm around Abe's shoulders. (Abe was the only one in their friend group close enough to Tate's height for him to do that with). "The boys are already preparing for a sleepover tomorrow night at mine. Dad says we can use the pool and Clare will be there to make your favourites".

"Yes!" Abe beamed. "I love my momma but no one makes naan bread like Clare". Tate felt himself laugh as Abe turned to call to Mr Harris. "Hey Mr Harris! Tate and I are going to miss the Washington monument. Tate's dad is coming to pick him up". Mr Harris sent the two boys a thumbs up over the rest of the team.

"Can I come with you guys?" A voice spoke up. Tate turned to MJ. She offered them a slight smirk, her golden blazer folded over an arm. "I don't want to go and celebrate a monument built by slaves".

"Sure", Tate nodded. "Feel free".

Tony picked them up about thirty minutes later (having flown to dc in a iron man suit and taken one of the cars from the Stark offices there) in one of his big black four wheelers. He seemed to also pick up on his son's down mood but didn't comment on it. Instead he allowed himself to be drawn into debates with MJ. The subjects ranging from media to history to politics at a speed that the two boys couldn't pick up on. It was only later, as they were beginning to see signs for New York that the news flicked on. The two starks watching as Spider-Man saved the midtown decathlon team from a lift explosion.


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