Forty Five- Epilogue

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The chapel was small and secluded. The pews only half full and the old structure decorated in spring flowers. Close family and friends only, that's what Tony and Pepper had agreed on. Since neither had much family, the front pews were close friends. Only five pews on either side were full. A empty gap on Tony's side where the rest of the avengers should have sat, a space in the front pew for his parents. An empty side on Pepper's side for the memory of her grandparents. Still, despite the gaps, it was a beautiful wedding. A very old building with exposed woodwork and varnished floors. Coloured light steaming down from the stained glass windows and the exposed rafters decorated with hanging pale gold silk and and white blossoms.

Tony was wearing a slim suit with a gold neck tie and a cream shirt to match the cream of Pepper's dress. It was a beautiful yet understated dress, with lace round her shoulders and a flowing skirt that brushed the floor around her heels. Gold thread mingled with the lace, glinting subtly in the light and matching the lace trim around her veil. When the music started, Tate went first to litter white blossoms along the aisle for her entrance.

He was in dark wine red suit with a shirt and tie to match his father's. There was a gold clip keeping one side go his hair out of his face while the other side dusted his cheekbones. As he sauntered (half dancing up the aisle, half walking), his friends waved from where they were seated across the back of the crowd. All in formal wear, all watching as Tate smiled. Petals scattering from his fingers as he flicked them a quick wave. Peter, Mj, and Ned all on Tony's side of the pews. Charley, Callum, Jason and Abe on Pepper's. Each of them with red or gold to match the iron man colours dotting the church. Peter with a red tie on his dark suit. Callum and Charley in red shirts with gold ties. Ned with a gold blazer and Jason and Abe with pale gold shirts and red ties. While Mj wore a sleeveless dress decorated in yellow and red tulips.

Tate took a seat in the front pew next to Happy as Pepper's dad took a seat next to her mom. The ceremony was beautiful and the vows made then all chuckle slightly. When it was over, they all cheered and Tate pelted his new parents with fist fulls of left over flowers before following the Starks out of the hotel.

The reception was held in the new lake side house that Tony had brought outside New York. It was the building the family planned to move into. Tate would continue living in the city for his education but once he was off at college, Tony and Pepper planned on move into the property permanently but until then, the place was a holiday home. For the reception, the pier out onto the lake was lit with candles and fairy lights as paid caterers mingled with trays of Champagne and food. (Fizzy apple juice for those underage but Abe snuck one of the glasses away and promptly pulled a face at the taste).

As the night get dark but was warmth of late spring/early summer lingered. As the guests moved slowly inside, Tate and his friends took over the edge of the pier. Jason and Tate had grabbed a plate of cheese and crackers and a bowl of chips which they had smuggled out away from the party. The ties had been loosened and Tate's hair was beginning to fall out of it's clasps. He brushed it out of his face with one hand as he laughed at a joke Abe was telling. The smaller boy made bigger by his gesturing. As he looked around at his friend's smiling faces, he felt the warmth that had nothing to do with the weather fill him. MJ was half leaning on Jason. Ned leaning forward next to her to join in the conversation, which had switched topics from school gossip to movies. Callum was half in Charley's lap, the couple still going strong over six months later. Both boys were watching fondly, Charley braiding flowers from the church decoration into Callum's hair as they listened to the conversation.

There was a rise in volume as MJ sat up slightly. "But everyone knows that her role in the movie was for eye candy. Stupid male gaze!"

"Good eye candy though", Abe sniggered then yelped as MJ pulled off one of her flats and smacked him across the head with it. Everyone else broke out laughing. "Jase! Your girlfriend is bullying me!" He cried as he tried to scramble away.

"You deserve it", Jason chuckled, at ease as MJ smacked Abe one more time before resuming her spot.

"She deserves more of a role rather than to just be objectified and reduced to a 2d bimbo", MJ huffed, tossing her artful waves out of her face. "She has the skills for it".

Tate had no idea which actress they were talking about but nodded along as she glared around at them all. At his side, leaning back on his hands, Peter copied the gesture. His hair, which had startled out as gelled back, was now flopping around his forehead and his tie was sticking out of his blazer pocket. He grinned as MJ launched into a familiar rant about her favourite movies and why they were good. The other boys all pitching in with comments and their own favourites for others to share opinions and judgements. He chuckled and tilted his head slightly, catching Tate's gaze. "Hi. What's in your head?" His voice was quiet, just between the two of them.

Tate smiled fondly. They were approaching their sixth month anniversary as a couple and life was good. "Just enjoying the moment Petey boy. My mom always said to take a second and enjoy the moment otherwise you'll miss it".

Peter hummed and sat up to free one arm. He gently tucked Tate's hair back out of his face, skin warm in the night chill. "Your mom sounds wise".

Tate felt his smile widen. "She was. Like your aunt May. Like Pepper. Not like my father unfortunately".

"I have to say", MJ's voice broke through and both boys turned towards her. "I found Tony Stark more impressive before I met him in person".

Tate tilted his head back in a laugh. "That's because the public don't see his tantrums", he snorted. "But don't tell him that to his face". The group sniggered.

"Tate!" A voice calling out down the pier. Happy was standing on the edge of the wood in his customary suit, looking out towards them. "Kids, come on! They're starting the last speeches inside". He waved at them impatiently and Tate grinned.

"Come on. Dad and Pepper must be suitably tipsy by now. This will be hilarious". At his words, the group all got up. Peter stood first and reached out a hand to pull Tate to his feet. The darker haired boy took it and snorted as pins and needles made him stumble. His legs were better but there were still bad days when the scars would ache and the pain would return. He had a feeling that those days would always be there but he still didn't regret it. He could still do what he loved and that was what was important.

Peter caught him and helped him straighten as they all wandered back towards the brightly lit house. Tate interlaced their fingers together and swung their joined hands as the rest of their friends pulled ahead. Suddenly he stopped and Peter paused, frowning in confusion. Tate grinned at him, black eyes reflecting the yellow of the candles surrounding them and leaned forwards. Hand cupping Peter's cheek as their lips met. Tate kissed him slowly and softly. Not needing to deepen the kiss nor wishing for it to be light. It was a fond exchange without words and Peter sunk into it willingly. His spare hand resting on Tate's waist as his thumb rubbed over the back of his hand. A soft moment of gentle happiness at each other's presence.

"Oi Loverboys!" Abe's shout interrupted them. The dark skinned boy was standing on the edge of the pier with their friends, waving back towards them. Peter and Tate parted with breathy chuckles, foreheads resting together for a second more before they looked out towards their friends. "Loverboys! Come one! I don't want to miss the cake!"

Tate laughed and resumed walking. He pulled Peter after him. "Come on Pete. Can't keep them waiting".

"Nope", Peter laughed as they began jogging. Their families waiting for them.


here it is guys, the end of book one of Tate's story. Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!
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There will be a Q&A coming out in a few days so comment any questions about this book or my characters that you want me to answer.
Hope you loved the fluff because I watched No Way Home before writing this chapter and needed the serotonin. Peter Parker deserves the world.

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