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Once both Peter and Tate were suited up, Happy escorted them down to the car park. Both boys wearing huge hoodies over their suits. Luckily the street was unusually quiet, probably Stark security somewhere. A plain black shiny vehicle was waiting in front of the hotel and they all got inside. Peter and Tate animatedly discussing each other's super suits the whole journey.

Peter's fit really well. Tate was pleased at how cool it looked on the other boy. Surprisingly red and blue didn't clash as much as he had thought. The black web pattern riding everything together smoothly and emphasising the curve of Peter's body. Tate spent most of the drive quizzing him on how he felt in it. How warm was he? Was it chafing? Could he move easily? Were the goggles effective? Eventually Peter had laughed and turned the focus on to Tate's suit.

Tate was pleased with his suit too. The boots, which were his favourite part, reach fully up to his knees. The silver and red design mixing well. The body suit underneath was skin tight for aerodynamics and movement. As soon as he had put it on, parts of the material had hardened into metal pads on his elbows, each side of his hips, and his knees. Obviously Tony had noticed that those were the places where Tate fell on the most. The gauntlets covered his wrist and fingers. After careful prodding, Tate found that they could shoot concentrated laser bursts just like the Iron Man suit. The thought made him bubble in excitement.

Happy dropped them off at the entrance to a airport. Everything was silent and still. The huge glass buildings and towering levels of concrete car parks empty and hollow. Peter and Tate pulled off their hoodies and left them both on the back seat. As they got out, Tate stuck his head back inside. "Keep all ambulances and medical care on alert", he ordered. "I'm sure dad has already said but I would rather not want this to turn nasty".

"Got it kid. See you later". Happy waved and the car pulled away.

Tate turned to face the grey area, eyes narrowed nervously. The wind was light and it tugged slightly on hair. "Have you got your comm?" He asked. Peter jerked, but nodded. He pointed to the white dot in his ear. "Turn it on".

Tony's voice echoed through as both boy's commas sparked to life. "Hello boys. Come meet the team. We're on the runway".

Tate grinned and pulled on his helmet. Once it was on properly, the thing tightened securely round his neck and skull. Blue holoscreens danced in his vision as Friday's welcoming voice sounded. "Let's try this out huh?" Tate muttered under his breath. "Friday, wheels on". On the bottom of his feet, wheels folded out. Two sets of four down the sound of each foot. The wheels themselves were smaller than the ones on Tate's rollerblades at home. They were thinner, living up to the name roller blades.

Tate beamed under the helmet. Next to him, Peter had also pulled on his mask. The bug eyes large against his head. "Want a lift?" Tate offered. "Let's see how fast I can go".

Peter gave the wheels a nervous glance. "Um how?"

"I'll give you a piggy back of course. Come on Pete".

Peter huffed but walked over. He hopped up and Tate caught each of his legs under his arms. Peter was slightly heavier than he expected and both of them grunted with the effort. Peter wrapped his arms around Tate's neck. "Is this safe?"

Tate shrugged. "Probably not. Let's go".

He began skating. One foot in front of the other until he had a rhythm set up. It took a little while to adjust to Peter's additional weight, but soon enough he was building up speed. Peter gave a little gasp behind him as he began to go faster. A little number on his holoscreen showed his speed. Five miles per hour, ten miles per hour, fifteen. Tate could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

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