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Being the adopted son of Billionaire, avenger, philanthropist Tony Stark was not some thing that Tate Doe liked to advertise. Or was really allowed to advertise. (He could talk about his dad, but not tell anyone that it was Tony Stark). What with the threats of kidnapping; ransoms, criminals targeting him to get at Iron man, people cosying up to him for the money. In all it was rather a hassle. Pepper did her best in keeping him out of the tabloids. It was known that Tony Stark had adopted a boy after his friend died, but is was mostly viewed as a rumour that was never verified.

Yet as Tate drummed his fingers on the wooden table, his chemistry teacher droning along in the background, he wondered if being known as Tony Stark's son would get him out of school. He wouldn't have to attend midtown High if he was being threatened with kidnappings and ransom.  Tate looked down at his thrift store clothing and ratty converse. He had the sneaking suspicion that if he declared it, people would think he was joking.

Next to him, Callum was stirring the chemicals with a wooden stick. "Is it supposed to be going blue?" He asked. Tate blinked at him slowly before peering at his notes.

"I think it's supposed to be green", he replied. Callum glared at the offending mixture, his too long black hair falling in his face. Tate sighed deeply. "Yay another failed practical". He just didn't get chemistry.

"Oh shut up", Callum bit back sulkily. "Your dad can buy you out of school. If I fail another subject, my parents are going to kill me". Tate patted his friend on the back in silent commiseration. The two had been friends since middle school, bonding in detention. Callum was his only friend who had met Tate's dad and has since stuck by him. Either it was because the two of them were both weird or it was because Callum liked to hear gossip on the avengers. Either way, the guy had stuck to Tate like glue.

"Did you hear about the new guy?" Callum asked, abandoning the failed experiment. Tate shook his head and began doodling in his book. Callum continued, used to Tate's inability to stay still. "There's been gossip about a new hero in New York. A coworker's brother's boyfriend sure a guy in a red and blue mask catch a car before it crashed into a truck. Superhuman strength apparently".

"Maybe my dad will know them".

Callum hummed in agreement. "I hope the new hero's hot. The only hot guy is captain American and he's like ninety". He wrinkled his nose in annoyance.

"Eww man", Tate laughed. He dropped his voice to a whisper. "That's Steve. Stop perving on Steve. The avengers are all like my dad's age".

Callum rolled his eyes with a grin. "Let's hope there is a new guy and that he is hot too". He nudged Tate in the ribs, giggling. Tate elbowed him back as the bell rang. Instantly, the two boys abandoned their play fight to exit the class room as quickly as possible. It was lunch and Tate was looking forward to digging out his lunch box. It was Thursday and Claire, the cook Tony had employed for him, had prepared a traditional Japanese bento that morning. One of his favourites.

"Hey Tate, Callum!" Liz, a very pretty senior called as they entered the hallway. She and her friends, Betty, Sally and Cindy, were sat at their usual table at the front of the canteen. Tate was friendly with them but they weren't that close. He got along well in their social circles but was a bit too much of a introvert for them. He waved back as him and Callum crossed the busy room. On the table next to Liz's, Abe, Jason and Charley were all ready there. They all greeted them as they sat down.

"Tate, are you joining the decathlon team this year?" Liz asked. "Peter has quit and we need another member".

"Haven't you got flash?" Tate gesture to Flash's table. The guy was laughing obnoxiously loudly. Liz pulled a face.

"You know what he's like".

Callum snorted into his sandwich and Abe laughed. Their expressions both emphasising the fact that Liz was putting it lightly. Flash was just plain annoying to be around. Tate shrugged as he pulled out his chopsticks. "I'll think about it. I can't promise anything. I have boxing on Wednesdays and I got skating on Fridays".

Liz beamed excitedly. "Perfect! We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Just give it some thought".

Tate nodded and dug in. As they ate Callum and the boys brought up the latest gossip. Tate listened as he chewed. Claire's cooking was really good, so this silence was usual during lunch. So he concentrated mostly on his food, nodding or shaking his head in response to any questions aimed at him as he listened to the boys talk. Apparently there was a new game out. Abe complained about his younger sisters. Jason mentioned a new movie release but as always, the conversation turned to the news and the Avengers.

It was Charley who brought it up. Now, Charley was a jock. Plain and simple. Captain America was his idol and everything was about sports or honour. Tate didn't know much about him, but Charley was a nice guy. They shared gym together. But the weird thing about him was that the guy liked gossip. He was as almost as a bad gossiper as Callum. "Did any of you read the Stark blog this weekend?" He asked through a mouthful of crisps. Callum and Abe both pulled disgusted faces.

"Dude swallow before you speak".

"No body wants to see that Charley".

Charley swallowed before continuing. "According to Stark Blog, Tony Stark has been getting into fights with the other avengers. He's been seen in new York more often recently. Apparently visiting his rumoured son. There's information that his son is around our age".

Tate rolled his eyes and took a gulp of his soda. Stark blog was a online blog dedicated to Tony Stark and Iron man. Tony found the whole thing hilarious, which is why he had not sued them yet. The information was mostly suspicion and stalking. Pepper hated it and Tate thought it was shit. But people followed it.

"Really?" Jason asked blandly. "Last I heard Tony Stark had apparently adopted a baby from Thailand who was smuggled to the USA because he was a chemically altered superhero. Stark was going to raise him to be his protege and join the avengers". Tate snorted loudly as Jason rolled his eyes. Jason was the mature realist of the group. He had a sarcastic sense of humour and a glorious deadpan face. Tate thought he was hilarious.

"Good one", Abe chuckled. "Come on Charley, we all know that Stark blog is mostly wrong".

"Stark blog are crazy", Callum added. "I'm surprised that they haven't had a restraining order filed against them". Charley frowned and opened his mouth to continue the debate.

"My dad finds them funny", Tate muttered. None of the boys were paying attention, too busy arguing over superhero blogs. It lasted a few more minutes, enough time for Tate to finish his food and pack his lunch box away.

"Anyway", Callum rose his voice to silence their friends. "Did you guys here about the new superhero in New York? Apparently it's a guy in a red and blue suit".

There was a clatter behind them and Tate turned. Peter Parker, a boy he knew vaguely from a few of their shared lessons, had been walking past. The clatter had been cause by him stumbling and knocking his cutlery to the floor. Tate watched as the boy hurriedly picked it up and continued walking. Tate didn't give it much though till later.


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