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Hello all those who stuck around to the end! Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoyed the first book of the 'Baby Stark' series. As I promised, here's the answers to your questions.

- Why did you pick Talay as your face claim for Tate?

I like to try and show diversity with my face claims. When I create a character I always try and look for a POC actor to see if they fit first. If they don't then I look for more recognisable actors, who usually are always white. This is because I am mixed myself. I also have watched a lot of Thai dramas and love Talay as an actor, so when I found out that he speaks English I knew that he would immediately fit for Tate.
Tate has a chill, sorta calm energy that I think Talay can pull off really well. Also, he's around the same age as Tom Holland and I want to explore using more actors from other countries before using big Hollywood names. Other actors I considered included Zhu Zan Jin (from The Untamed), Park Junhee (from Kpop band A.C.E), Ezra Miller, and Archie Renaux (shadow and bone). All are amazingly talented but for some reason Talay just fit Tate really well.

- Why did Tate get injured so much?

I decided to have Tate badly injured because in marvel movies, the hero's don't get very badly injured. They just seem to get up or last a ridiculously long time before needing a doctor. Apart from Tony's whole heart origin story thing, none of the avengers seem to get injured unless it's a major plot point. Unfortunately things don't work out that way in real life. Tate is human, despite his genius and money. The iron family are human which is why they are so relatable compared to the rest of the avengers. I wanted to show how the consequences of being a hero can be. So I made Tate get injured because this book was never just focusing on his relationship with Peter, it was about him and his friends and overcoming his injuries.
Also, I wanted to have somewhere to vent. I broke bones in my right hand (my dominant hand) when I was eleven and since then I have had the effects of that hindering me for almost a decade. I now have sever carpal tunnel due to the surgeries and physio. It is something that I have mentioned on here before, but it affects my ability to use my hand and wrist. I wanted to explore my frustration through Tate, because healing from sever injuries and surgery is something that never really goes away. It is not talked about much but surgery scars and trauma to the body doesn't really go away. It lingers and likes to remind you that it exists. So I wanted to write a journey of how one  deals with these situations in hope that those with it worse than me can relate to the character.

- Why did the boxer/fighter side of Tate never show up again?

Tate's main passions and hobbies are Skateboarding and designing technology with his dad. The boxing part was something Tony first got him into when he was younger so that he knew self defence. That idea was sparked by the boxing scene between Tony and Happy in Iron man 2. It seems like something Tony would drag Tate into so he'd be able to protect himself. It is something Tate enjoys but still would pick going to a skatepark over. Also, he damaged his legs and had surgery on his abdomen. The physio afterwards would have been tough and he couldn't resume his usual gym activities for a while. I plan on keeping that side of Tate in the next books but in this book, he was just too busy healing to go back to his usual routine. Burn rest assured, we shall see more of Tate being BAMF in the next books.

- Why did you choose to make him the son of Tony Stark?

My other Peter Parker series 'Bombs&Bullets' my oc, Emil, is the son of Bucky Barnes. He is on Captain America's team. So for this one, I wanted my character to be on Team Iron Man. Also, after seeing Tony with Morgan in Endgame, I wanted more Irondad. He is such a dad with Peter, Harley and Morgan. I just wanted him to have a actual adopted kid, like Batman.
Also, Tate is not biologically related to Tony at all. He doesn't know who his sperm donor is but more about his mother and sperm donor will be covered in the next book.

- Will there be a sequel? And when will it be published?

Yes! There will be a sequel! It is going to be called Tin Can Boy and will be covering Infinity war and Endgame along with a short plot devised by myself. As to when it will be published, all I can say is soon. I aim to complete another book before I can publish it.
But until then, vote on which cover is your favourite. The one with the most votes will be the cover for the second book.

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