Chapter 12

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Chapta 12, suckaaaaas! :D 


Chapter 1222222!

For it to be the first day of September, if was pretty cold.  Max draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into him as we made our way into the movie theater.  He was right; there was absolutely no one there.  Well, except the cute, old married couples.  They always made me smile.

Max held the door open for me, and we walked into the warm lobby of the theater.  I looked around.  The carpet was that ugly red color that made you feel famous.  The ceiling was high and weird techno music was playing softly.  There were movies posters plastered to the walls.  While Max went to get tickets, I got popcorn.

"Hello beautiful, what can I get ya?" a smooth, deep voice asked.  I looked up and smirked at the worker.  He was wearing a white button up shirt and black slacks.  He had his red, silky looking vest crooked and sloppily thrown on over his shirt.  His dark hair was shaggy and in his face.  With the shake of his head and a breathtaking smile on his face, he flipped the hair out of his eyes.

"A less creepy popcorn guy," I said, looking at the meal deals on display above his head.

"Sorry babe, I'm as creepy as they come," he said.  I gave him an eye roll and he winked at me.

"Uh, can I get," I squinted at the deals, trying to figure out which one was the cheapest.

"We'll take two medium popcorns and one large drink," someone said behind me, wrapping their hands around my waist and playfully biting my ear.  Weird tingles spread through me from his touch and I laughed.  I turned around, expecting Max.  I jumped ten feet in the air when I saw the face of the person who really did it.

Dark brown eyes smiled into mine.  "What the crap, Nick!" I shouted, taking five steps backwards.

Nick chuckled and took two forward, putting a foot in between us.  "Why weren't you at school today?" he asked.  He had a smile a sloppy smile on his face and one eyebrow was raised.  His hair was messier than usual, but it only made him look younger and more attractive.  He was wearing black slacks and a white button up dress shirt with a skinny, black tie.  His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.  He looked like he came straight out of a teen magazine.

I opened my mouth to respond, but was cut off by the popcorn guy.  "So do you want the stuff or not?" he asked with a bored expression on his face. "If he makes it three, I'm in," a new voice said.  This one grabbed my hand and, by the warmth that flooded through me, I knew it was Max.

"No!" I scoffed.

"Three it is," Nick said, pulling out his wallet.  He handed the guy money, and I turned to Max.  I gave him the death glare and pulled him across the almost empty room.  I roughly backed him up against the wall; bringing my face as close to his as I could manage because of his height.

"What are you doing?" I asked, punching him in the arm.  It wasn't hard, but I quickly apologized after.

Max chuckled and ruffled my hair.  "Free food, you know I won't pass that up," he teased.

I pushed his hand away from me.  "He's our teacher.  We cannot be seen here with him!" I whisper yelled at him.

Max laughed and pulled me back to the popcorn counter.  His eyes were glued to the guy behind it, handing Nick the popcorn and drinks.

"Max," I said with a wide smile on my face.

"Mhm," he said, staring at the guy with his lips pressed into a thin line.

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