Chapter 28 Part II

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“Do you want me to wait here?” Nick asked, tugging at the bottom of my shirt and looking at our feet.

We were standing in front of the hospital.  It was a slow day because everyone was either working or in school.

“I should be fine to go in by myself,” I said, taking his hand and pressing it softly to my lips.

He nodded and turned to walk back to the car. With a sigh, I stepped through the sliding doors of the hospital. Nick hadn’t really been himself.  He was acting a little sad. I know I should be too, but at this point, I was numb.

My feet led the way, and my body was slowly lagging behind them. I felt like I was going to my mother’s funeral all over again. No, it won’t be like that. He’ll be okay. He has to be okay.

I stood in the lobby, glancing around. I didn’t know which room he was in, or even in which room.

“Excuse me, may I help you?” a voice asked from behind me.

I turned. I didn’t see anyone behind me. Swiveling my head, I looked around. Something tugged on my sleeve, and I looked down. A little boy, who was about seven or so, was looking up at me with large green eyes. He has curly blond hair that was tousled atop his head. Sinking down on one knee, I asked, “Hello, are you lost?”

He smirked at me. “Lady, I think you’re the lost one.”

I laughed and he grabbed my hand. “My mommy works here, so I can help you find where you’re going.”

“Oh,” I said, following him in the direction he was tugging my hand. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school?”

He shook his head. “I can’t go back yet. I have to wait awhile.” He led me to an elevator and pressed the up button. “Do you know where you’re going?” he asked me, his eyes gleaming a vibrant green. His cheeks puffed up a little and I noticed the tiny freckles placed all over his cheeks. “You think I’m cute?” he asked.

A small laugh left my lips. “What?”

He shrugged. “You were staring at me. I completely understand,” he said, pressing a random button. “It’s cool, though. All girls look at me like that.” He winked.

“How old are you?” I asked, hiding my smile.

“Too young for you,” he replied, tapping the sides of his jeans to match the beat of the elevator music.

“S’not was I meant,” I muttered, looking at the door.

The doors opened and he pulled me out. “I’m guessing you’re here for the ER ‘cause you have no idea where you’re going and we just got a new guy.”

I nodded.

“Well, you’re lucky. I think he’ll be fine.  Mommy wouldn’t let me see them bring him in, but when I went to get a juice, I heard some of the docs talking about him.”

“You’re just full of information,” I said, smiling down at him.

“Mhm, ‘cause I spend a lot of time here. I know all the doctors, and since I want to be one, I practice listening to them and memorizing all the patients,” he responded, walking in the direction of a desk.

“Why do you spend a lot of time here?” I asked.

“Why don’t you act sadder if you’re at a hospital?” he countered.

“Michael!” a woman exclaimed.

The little boy looked toward the woman who had yelled. “What,” he asked. “I’m just asking a question.”

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