PCK Chapter 22

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I woke up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. "Momma," I called, grinning as she stepped through my door.

"Yes, honey," she said. Her hair was tied up into a pony tail.

"What are we doing today?" I asked.

"Well, you have to go to school, but after that, nothing really," she said.

"Oh, okay. That's good because I want to go prince shopping," I said, throwing the blankets off of me and skipping to my mom's side. I hugged her leg.

Mom laughed. "Prince shopping?"

"Yes, mommy," I said, letting go of her and twirling around in a circle. "I had a dream that I was Cinderella last night. I was dancing with a handsome prince. I woke up just before he slid the glass slipper on my foot."

She laughed and picked me up. "Honey, come here!" she yelled into the hallway.

Daddy came to stand by her and she relayed my message to him. He gave me a look and took me from momma. "I think you're too young for a prince, Kye," he said.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Daddy, I'm almost six. I'm plenty old enough."

Momma and daddy both started laughing at that.

A loud bang awoke me. I pulled my head off of something hard and opened my eyes. I looked around. This was definitely not Max's room. "Is my class that boring?" Nick asked me.

I gave him a confused look. What was Nick doing here? Wait, the hard thing was my desk. People were staring at me. I looked beside me. Max was holding in his laughter. I shot him a glare. "Actually," I started. "It is quite boring."

Some of the guys starting laughing. The girls all gasped.

"I don't think your class is boring!" "Neither do I!" they all started shouting.

I saw Nick holding back a small laugh before he turned around and walked to the front of the classroom.

As soon as he turned around, I slapped Max on the shoulder.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, rubbing the spot. "What was that for?"

"For not keeping me awake. You know I hate Romeo and Juliet!" I said.

Max laughed. "I couldn't. You were just so tired, and you're cute when you sleep."

I glared at him.

"Kyler, come here please," Nick said. I approached his desk.

"Yes, sir!" I said, saluting the teacher. The guys laughed again. The girls glared.

"Please turn around and tell the class why you were sleeping," Nick said.

I gave him a confused look. "Why?" I asked.

Nick shrugged. I turned to the class. "I was tired," I said.

Nick cleared his throat. "Why were you so tired?" I turned around and gave him another confused look.

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