PCK Chapter 16

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The next few weeks past by in… an odd repetition.  I would wake up, laugh at Max, go to school, embarrass Nick, deal with evil looks from the student teacher lady, and avoid my dad when we were both out and about.  Luke comes over frequently, and Max really wants to tell him about us.  I think he should.  It would make someone happy.

Anyway, I have a feeling today is going to be different.  Not because I can feel that today is going to be, like they feel in movies and books, but because today is my birthday.  Max always has some sort of spectacular birthday surprise.  Fun.

My birthday is always the worst day of my entire year.  Well, here we are again.  October 3, 2011.

First of all, Max set the most annoying alarm clock to go off an hour before I usually get up.  He wanted to get up first so he could get things together.  I couldn’t go back to sleep after it went off either.  I got the honor of listening to a cover of Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream.  Max is an awful singer.

After he got out of the shower, I jumped in.  It was cold.

So, my day in a nutshell, you ask?  It’s 7:05.  I’m pretty agitated, and I really wish Max’s mom would let me skip today.  I ran out of clever comebacks at the end of class yesterday.

“Put this on, babe,” Max said, throwing a bright wad of clothes at me. 

I unfolded them and checked them out.  It was a bright yellow shirt and a pair of electric blue skinny jeans.  The shirt had a big birthday cake on it with blue and red icing.  Max drew in an “18” on top of the cake with a permanent maker.

I laughed, reluctantly.  “I’m am not wearing that.”

“Kye,” he said, standing in front of me.  He bent down so he could look into my eyes from my position on his bed.  “If you think you’re going to have a terrible day, then you will.  If you want to have fun, then you will.  Please, put on the clothes and let’s have fun today.  It’s Friday.  It’s your eighteenth birthday, and you have the hottest guy in school on your arm.”

I laughed and hit him lightly on the arm.  “Quit being so cocky.”

“I wasn’t talking about me,” he replied with a wink.

I took his words into consideration.  I guess I was just in a bad mood.  I smiled at him.  “Sir Maxwell, let’s have the best day of our lives.”

“Of course, Lady Kyler.”

We both laughed and I threw on the clothes.

I gave him a hug and thanked him for the clothes.

“Oh, and here,” he said, thrusting two red sweatbands into my hands.

I looked them over.  One said “Happy Birthday! <”.  The other said “3 I love you.”  I smiled and slid them over my wrists.

“I love you, too, Maxxy.”

He went into the bathroom to do his hair with a smile on his face.  I sat down in front of the mirror to start on my makeup.  I was completely bruise free.  I had never woke up and felt so… good.  My joints weren’t sore.  My wrists weren’t freshly cut.  My face was pale with no other color.  I smile at my skin in the mirror.

“Now, let’s get started,” I said to myself.  I skipped the foundation for the first time in about eight years.  I put a little blush on my cheeks and swiped blue eye shadow on my lids.  I highlighted my eyes underneath with a little bit of yellow eye shadow.  I lined them with red liquid liner and winged it out a bit.  I smile at my crazy wardrobe and makeup.  I was cool.

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