PCK 5 ;)))

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Author's note at the bottom! :D (Fellow in the corner could maybe be Nick.  Idk.... The song is one I enjoy, so I added it. :D)

The last two weeks until school passed uneventfully.  I mean, sure Max and I hung out, and occasionally, we went to the pool.  That was quite awkward for me.  I was the only one who couldn't splash around in the cool, crystal blue water.  I had to watch my friends play from a tanning chair.  I was happy to soak up the last few rays of the summer sun though.  After a while, I started to sweat under my jeans and thermal.  I dismissed myself and went back to my house. 

My dad hadn't been home much in those two weeks either.  It was like heaven for me.  Occasionally, he would stroll in around four a.m. with a lady who was too good for him.  The ladies would sneak out around nine with a look of disgust on their face.  I bet they were just seeing the face of the stranger they... *cough* you know...for the first time that morning.  Sometimes they would even exchange a few words with me over coffee.  It was a little awkward with those women.  However, they left shortly after the first cup, and hours later, dad would leave again.  He was too drunk to notice me at all, so Max stayed over a lot.  His parents didn't care.  They knew about our little secret.  Max liked escaping his parents.  They treated him different when they found out he liked guys.  I can tell they still love him, but Max can't.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing. My hand shot out to silence it.  I breathed in my last gulp of summer air and opened my eyes.  Max and I were tangled in each other's limbs and his white t-shirt had somehow been pulled off and was lying under my head.  I took in its scent, his scent.  It always comforted me and I was a little nervous about my senior year.  Big stuff was coming for me.  Was I ready?  You've dealt with your dad for almost eight years and you're nervous over school?  I laughed at myself.  I was being silly.  This year would be just like the rest, only more fun!

For the first time that morning, and probably since we'd laid down, Max stirred.  "Hello beautiful," he smiled.  His voice was heavy with sleep.

"Sir Maxwell, I do believe this is the first day of our senior year," I giggled, pushing closer to his warm chest.  In all my years of knowing Max, I'd never seen him do anything athletic, yet he had the perfect body. 

"As do I Lady Cast," He pulled his arms around me.  We were silent for a few moments before we both squealed.  We both got up and jumped/danced on my bed.  It was probably a horrid sight for anyone who would have caught a glimpse.

After another round of girly squeals, Max headed home to get ready, and I bounded for the shower. 

I didn't take as long as I usually did because I was excited to see everyone again.  I rushed from the bathroom to my bedroom.  I threw on my undergarments and searched through my closet, disregarding my towel on the floor next to my feet.

"Uh, next time you decide to strip, look around the room first." I heard a voice behind me giggle.

"MAX!  You pervert.  What the heck are you doing here?"  I screeched, grabbing the towel and wrapping it around my body.

"I've dressed you for the first day of school for five years now."  His joking expression turned seductive.  "Although, now that I've seen you," he winked.  "I think I want you to go to school just like that."

My face literally turned into a tomato at that statement.  I had never been so red in my life.  "T-t-turn around," I stammered.  The impact of what just happened set in.  He saw me! He saw me nude!

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