PCK Chapter 2

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Nothing really BIG happens in this chap.  You get to meet Max though.  It is 12:30 and I need to go to bed because I have a monster Spanish test tomorrow, but I love you guys who are reading, so I will treat you well.  Even though nothing big happens in this chapter, still read it because it's cute and it made my friend go, "AWWWW, I want one!" when I read it to her. Any who, read the Author's Note at the bottom too. :D (The cute patoot on the side is Max.)

I awoke from my dream with a start.  Where was I?  I remember letting blackness envelope me in the corner of the kitchen.  However, now I was in a comfy bed.  I took in my surroundings.

The walls were a dark, deep purple.  Almost black.  Neon splatters of paint covered the walls.  The radio in the corner was turned on, but no sound was escaping the speakers.  I looked out the window.  The sun was seeping through the open curtains.  I loved nature.  It was my crutch in this cold, cruel world.  A breezed entered, and I suddenly realized the window was open.  I closed my eyes and let the sun warm my cold blood while the wind ruffled my hair and held me in a comforting embrace.  Once I felt refreshed, put my arms above my head and tried to stretch.  I gasped as a sharp pain shot all through my sore body.

"You're not a light as you look," I heard a warm, familiar voice chuckle.

I turned abruptly, not caring how bad it hurt.  I needed to see him.  Nature was not my only relief from the world.

"Max!" I exclaimed, shaking with joy.  I watched him walk over and flop down on my bed.

He looked me over before cradling my fragile body in his arms.  "It was really bad last night." He stated more than asked.

"Yes," I shuddered as I remembered the brutal beating I had received the night before.  Max pulled me closer to his chest, and all the fear left my body.  I snuggled into him.

A sharp pain shot through my face when my cheek gently swiped a piece of fabric on his t-shirt.  I decided I needed to take a look at myself.  I loosened my hold around Max and looked down at my body.  I was wearing a black tank top and frog pajama pants.  He had dressed me in something more comfortable when he found me, like he always did.  I squirmed out of his warm, strong arms and slowly walked over to the mirror in the corner of my room where my make up was located.  I had a large, purple bruise on my check, both eyes were black, and a bit of dried blood danced on the corners of my mouth.  I quickly wiped it away.  I lifted up my tank top to reveal bruises where my ribs were.  I had large, dark spots on my sides where my father had been sitting while he pummeled my body with his fists.  I replaced my shirt so I wouldn't have to see what had happened to me. 

I looked back up into the mirror to see Max standing behind me.  He saw all the wounds.  Fury and sorrow were burning in his bright blue eyes.  He wrapped one arm around my waist, gently so he wouldn't agitate my bruises, while the other hand grabbed the underside of my forearm.  He rested his head on my shoulder.  I knew this was an awkward position for him because he was so much taller than me, but I welcomed him arms.  I leaned my head on his, and we stood like that for an easy five minutes in silence.

He held my gaze in the mirror the whole time.

"How many times did he hit you last night?" He asked, a wet film coming over his eyes.  He quickly blinked it away.  I knew what was coming next. 

"I passed out around ten, but I stop at five.  You know that is as many as I'll do." I stated, looking down at the scares his thumb was tracing over again and again on my forearm.  He was so warm.

He spun me around to face him, and lifted my gaze to meet his.

"Please don't." His voice was barely audible.  He knew his pleas were pointless.

"It's the only way I can get back at him.  I have to."

A small tear escaped his eye.  "Kye, I'm scared."  I pulled me close to him.  His lips were at my ear.  I could feel his breath all over me.  "What if you do more than five one day?  What if one is too deep?  Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you gone from the world."

I wrapped my arms around his waist tighter.  I looked up at him, resting my head just below his chest.  He gazed back down at me, waiting for my words.  His shaggy, sandy blond hair fell into his eyes.  His chest was hard and soft, all at the same time, not to mention the heat that radiated off of it.  He started a fire that ran through my veins.  "I won't," I promised at last.

Max hated serious matters, even though that is all our lives are.  He made jokes a lot to cover up when he was scared or nervous.

His chest vibrated me head as he chuckled.  A moment later he pushed me away and I could see the full fledged grin break out on his face.  His teeth were perfect.  "If I didn't know any better," he teased, ruffling my hair. "I'd say you were just checking me out, Kyler Alen Cast."

I laughed and grabbed him, burying my face in his tight, gray shirt.  "I would be doing a lot more than that, but I know you play for the other team."  I raised my head to see his breathtaking smile.  I winked at him, trying my best to be seductive.  We both laughed at my feeble attempt.

Our fun was cut short when we heard the front door fling open and slam shut.

Max swore and ran to the closet.  He always hid there when my dad was home and he wasn't ready to leave me. 

My eyes flitted to the purple, sparkly make up bag on my vanity.  Max and I were the only two people in the world who knew it did not hold make up.  I should have woken up sooner.  There is no way I can do ten in one sitting.  I mentally scolded myself.

Luckily for me, the footsteps stopped right outside my door, and did an about face.  They started off into the other direction and I heard the front door slam again.  When I heard the engine come to life and his old pickup truck speed away, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I dashed for the purple bag, spilling out its contents, when Max ran over to me and grabbed my wrist to stop me.  He turned me so I was facing him.  I couldn't meet his eyes.

"Kye, you know I don't want to be here when you do that.  I can't watch it," he said letting go of my wrist, and toying with a piece of straight, black hair that fell into my face.  I just watched him for a moment.

"Stay with me, Max," I begged wrapping myself around him.  I'm so glad I have you.  I just wish your boat floated my way...

He pushed me away gently.  I could tell he was upset with himself more than me.  I stood on my tip toes and lightly pecked his cheek, and he looked down at me.  "Fine," he huffed. "But don't hurt yourself too bad.  I'm not watching either."  He flopped on my bed and pulled a pillow over his face.  I could hear him murmuring to himself.

I sat down on my vanity stool.  The small, cold piece of melt felt so familiar in my hand.

I took one last look at my face, seeing all the discolored skin, and closed my eyes to do the, all too familiar, deed.  A small gasp of relief left my lips and my heart raced.  I heard Max sniffle behind me.  Sorry, I thought, mentally picturing Max.  I keep hurting everyone I love.  Why am I so selfish?  What is wrong with me? 

I pressed harder, as hard as I dared.  The fifth slash was the saddest.  I was disappointed that I couldn't continue to punish myself for hurting people, for letting people hurt me

Max's sobs pulled me out of my inner rambling and back to reality.

I lost control.  Again.

Okey doke.  There it is.  There is a lot more to come.  This is chapter its to let you meet Max.  (Yummy I know ;)) Any who, he doesn't like girlies. I have otherplans for Kye. Hehehehe! Tell me what you think. :D Comment and vote.  I want honest opinions.  Also, I wanna change the title I think... Maybe. Idk! We shall see. Ok, I'm dedicating this to Christofer Drew of Never Shout Never because he's a cute patoot, and singing to me right now. Anyway, tell your friends please. :) I love you guys who are reading by the way. You guys make my heart leap! :D

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