PCK Epilogue

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“But the wedding was just a year ago!” my dad exclaimed, wide eyed and running a hand through his peppery hair.

“One year, two months, and three days,” Nick said, smiling down at me.

I held back a giggle and squeezed his hand.

“We all know what you two have been up to,” Max winked, punching Nick in the shoulder. Nick laughed and a rosy color spread across my face.

“That’s my daughter!” My dad looked incredulous and had his arms outstretched.

“I know this is all a lot to take in-“ I started.

“That’s what he said!” Max shouted. Nick laughed and ever my dad cracked a smile and tried- unsuccessfully- to hold in a chuckled.

“You guys are idiots,” I said, slapping Max on the back of the head.

“Your idiots,” Nick said, smiling warmly. The look in his eyes was so sincere a tear slipped out of my eye.

“Are, are you really crying over that?” Max asked, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s the hormones. One second she’s all over me, one second she’s mad. Makes it awesome in the-“

“Nick!” I said, slapping him on the back of the head also. “I can’t believe you!”

“See?” Nick said, laughing.

I scoffed and looked to my dad in help. He smiled and shrugged. “Women are crazy.”

“I’m giving you a grandchild, you a godchild, and you a child, and you call me crazy?!” I stood up and huffed, stomping into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and looked inside. However, something caught my eye and I looked up at the picture hanging on the freezer. It was a picture of my wedding day. Nick and I were in the middle, my dad beside me and Max beside Nick. Nick and Max were laughing and knuckle touching while my dad and I were smiling and holding hands. It was a totally candid shot, but the photographer printed it anyway. It was by far my favorite wedding picture.

I plucked it from its place on the freezer and carried it into the living room. “Look how happy we are,” I said to the three men who had now turned the TV. A few tears streamed down my cheeks and the three were silent for a second, staring at me. After a moment, they all burst out laughing. Max was doubled over and gasping that I was insane.

My face turned red with fury and Nick stopped laughing immediately. “Guys,” he said, tapping both men on the shoulder. “We need to run. Now!”

They all started to bolt away from me as soon as the words left his mouth.

“Nick,” I said, my lip quivering.

He turned from his retreat and gave me a sad look. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry. We were just kidding.” He walked towards me and wrapped me in his arms.

“I’m having a baby,” I sobbed. “I’m only 20, and I’m going to be fat and ugly forever.”

“No,” Nick said, rubbing my back. “You’re beautiful always. You’re going to be a perfect mother and all of his friends will call you a milk.”

“Really?” I sniffed, looking up at him. He nodded and cupped my cheeks.

Max started laughing again and my eyes shifted to him. I picked up a vase and pulled my arm back. “You better run,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

“Oh shi-“

“Language!” I said, resting my free hand on my stomach.

My dad grabbed Max’s arm and opened the door. “We really should be going now,” he said, pulling Max out with him. “We’ll see you three soon!”

After the door shut, Nick grabbed the vase from my hand and sat it back down. He sat down on the couch and pulled me onto his lap, rubbing my tummy. “My perfect wife having my perfect baby.”

“My perfect family,” I said, smiling down at him.

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