PCK Chapter 16 Part II

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Chapter 16 Part II

As always, Max and I were the first to arrive. He opened the door slightly and stuck his head in. "All clear," he said, motioning like an FBI agent to enter the room.

He held the door open for me and I entered cautiously.

"Shew!" I exclaimed. "Looks pretty normal in here."

I walked to my seat and Max did the usualy and pushed our desks together. He flopped down on the top of mine when he was finished. He was facing me, with his legs on each side of my body.

"You are going to love what we have planned next," Max said with a huge grin on his face.

"Good Lord, what is it?" I asked. "Is this an all day thing?"

"To answer your questions," he started. "I'm not telling you any of the surprises, and yes, it is an all day thing. I am very proud of myself for thinking them all up."

I was about to respond, but a sound at the door stopped me. "Psh, you couldn't think it all up yourself if you tried," Luke said.

I started laughing. "What in the world do you have on?"

"Well, I have to be in here all day because I am the mastermind behind all this shenanigans. I had to have a disguise to get back in."

Luke had his black hair slicked back. His face was painted white and he had on a black and white stripped shirt. Black pants with black shoes covered the lower half of his body. The only thing that separated him from other mimes I'd seen was the bright red lipstick he had applied to his lips. He got black paint and put a cat nose on his nose and wiskers on his cheeks.

"Now, if you'll excuse me," Luke said. He pretended to zip up his lips and walked to the back room. It was full of old books. Nick nevered used it.

I followed him with my eyes all the way to the closet. He got in, and then shut the door.

I started laughing. "What is going on?" I cried.

"Way to ruin the surprise," Max mumbled to himself. "He did look kind of cute though," he whispered to me. I giggled.

Students started filing in after that. I got a ton more birthday wishes and Max got some more wolf whistles from the girls.

"Hey, Max," Ray said. I didn't know if Max still had a man crush on Ray, but he still got tense when Ray talked to him. How cute!

"Yeah?" Max answered.

"How about a birthday kiss?" Liam shouted. He was one of Ray's friends. He never spoke much.

Ray nodded his head and winked at me. The rest of the class hooped and hollered.

"Birthday kiss, birthday kiss," they all chanted.

Max looked back to me and shrugged. I rolled my eyes at him with a playful smile on my face. He leaned in and put his hand on the nape of my neck. Less people were chanting now, and a few audible sighs were made. I placed my hand on his cheek and the other was holding on to his. Our lips barely brushed when someone cleared their throat.

"No birthday kisses. Off the desk, now," the voice warned. It was firm, but it still surrounded me in the soft warmth that sent shivers down my spine.

Max smirked and slid off my desk top and into his seat.

My eyes moved to Nick. He was quite late today. His white shirt was ruffled, his tie a little messed up, but the thing that stood out the most was how on side of his shirt was no tucked in. Nick always looked fresh for class. He looked a little, well, messy today. Even his hair was messy. By that, I don't mean the usual messy was it was styled. It looked like someone had ruffled it a time or ten.

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