PCK Chapter 14!

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Spell check won't work :/ Author's note at the bottom, yo. :)

Max is officially crazy. He has some crazy idea that I am his human Barbie doll. Right now, I am standing in the middle of his room changing into a billion different outfits. It was time to make me "irresistable" to Nick. I'm not sure why Max is doing all this if Nick is our teacher anyway.

"Put this on," Max instructed me.

"Max, I don't want to do this any more. It's after midnight, and we have to get up early and look for jobs tomorrow," I whined.

Luke went home about an hour ago. Max threw all sorts of clothes at me. I don't know where they came from. They looked a little vintage. Maybe they were his mom's old ones.

"One more, Rufus. I swear, this is the one!" he exclaimed.

I sighed and grabbed the clothes he held out to me. I threw them on the bed while I pulled off the clothes I was wearing. I was happy to get them off because there were ugly and itchy. Something a grandma would wear.

I picked up the dress that was on the bed and tried to figure out which way it went. Max sighed and took it from me. He was kind of cranky so I knew he must be tired. He held it out to me and I slipped in. He zipped the back and I walked over to the mirror.

My jaw dropped when I looked at myself. The top was a tight, gray tanktop. Right below the chest, a small, black ribbon tied into a small bow. The bottom half of the dress poofed out a little. It was a cream color with tiny blue and black flowers spread all over the fabric.

"You look beautiful," Max said, walking up behind me and slipping his arms around my waist.

I looked at him through the mirror. My smile fell a little when I thought about the scares.

"I have it covered," Max said, knowing my thoughts.

"Okay," I said, stiffling a yawn.

Max kissed my hair and unzipped my dress. I slid out of it and put it on a hanger and placed it in his closet. I picked up one of Max's shirts and put it on.

"This is stupid," I told him as I climbed into bed.

"Nu uh." Max turned off the light. Moonlight illuminated everything. I smiled when he slid in bed and pulled me into his chest. "This is smart," he told me smiling.

"Do you like Luke a lot?" I asked, changing the subject.

Max brows came together a little. I smoothed out the skin between them with my index finger while he thought. "I do, maybe. I wan to know him more. I like what I know though."

Max ran his finger tips up and down my side. I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes. I almost fell asleep listening to his steady breathing when his voice invaded my silence.

"He likes you..." Max told me softly. I'm guessing Nick was supposed to be the he.

I made some kind of noise. I don't really know what it sounded like because I fell asleep.

"Kiddo, wake up," a deep voice whispered in my ear. A hand was stroking the hair out of my face. I knew who it was by the shock that ran through my blood.

My eyes snapped open and I shot up into a sitting position. A deep, inticing chuckle spread through the room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. My voice was a loud whisper.

"Well, I was sleeping, but now..." Nick shrugged.

I looked around the room. It was my room. The walls were lit up by a beautiful golden sun. My eyes flew to the purple makeup bag on my vanity. It was zipped. I let out a sigh of relief. I felt a shift on the mattress beside me. Nick pulled me into him.

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