PCK Chapter 18

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I felt a tickle on my nose. I went to rub it, but felt something else. I opened my eyes quickly. Max was facing me and our nose were pressed agaisnt each other. I smiled to myself. He could sleep through anything. I nuzzled my head under his and it was tucked snuggly between his neck and pillow. I tickled his back. "Wake up, ya big turd," I mumbled into his shoulder.

He took in a deep breath and released it slowly. "What?" he said, rubbing the back of my head.

I pulled my head out of its comfy little spot and put our noses back together. "I said, wake up you. Big. Turd!"

He flopped me over onto my back, and got on top of me. He smiled. His hair was messy and stuck up in all different directions on one side. I lifted my arm up and smoothed his hair down.

He caught my hand and I looked at him. He had a strong face. It hovered over mine, and Max's eyes burst with a vibrant blue. He traced my jawline with his finger.

I shrank away from his touch. If he was going to start dating Luke, all this had to stop.

"What?" he asked. He sat up, but still stayed on top of me.

"You know, that is all you've said all morning." I reached up and cupped his cheek. "We've got to stop," I said. I hope he understood.

"Stop what?" He rubbed a hand through his hair.

I giggled. "Are you even awake?"

"What?" he asked again. I flicked his nose.

"Wakey, wakey, lemon cakey!" I shouted with a big smile on my face.

Max shook his head a little. He rubbed his eyes for a second and then blinked a few times. "Oh, what am I doing?" he said, climbing off of me.

"You just... attacked me," I said, laughing a little.

"I can assure you," he smiled cheekily. "It was all out of love."

I patted his cheek. "I'm sure it was, babe."

He smiled at me and I climbed out of bed. He followed behind me like a little puppy. "What do you want to do today, hun?" he asked, taking hold of my hand and twining our fingers together.

I pulled my hand away and put it on my stomach. "Man am I hungery," I said.

"Let's get some fooooooood!" he sang in a girl's voice. I laughed at him.

"Start on some pancakes, I have to go pee," I said, turning the other direction and stepping into the bathroom. I waited until I heard the stairs creak then I tiptoed into Max's room.

I looked on his bedside table for his cell phone. It wasn't there. I tore apart his room looking for it. "Here, wittle iPhone. Where are you?" I whispered.

I heard a soft chuckle come from behind me. I slowly turned around.

"What in the world are you doing?" Max said, displaying an award winning smile on his face.

"Hehe, well," I started sheepishly. "I, uh, need to borrow your phone."

"Oh, sure," he said, reaching out towards his vanity. He picked up the phone, which was setting right out in the open. He tossed it to me. "I hope you know that you're cleaning this place up," he said, turning around and walking back downstairs.

I slapped myself in the forehead and instantly regretted it. I fanned my burning cut and searched through Max's contacts.

"There you are, you little turd," I said to myself.

I pressed the call button.

On the second ring, a chipper voice answered.

"Hello?" Luke said, happily.

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