PCK Chapter Six Part II

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  • Dedicated to To my lovely fans! Thanks a bunch!

Part dos! I hope you like it because I dont. D:  A/N at the end...

I walked around aimlessly for a couple hours.  It was now 6:30, and I was sitting on a park bench five miles from my house.  I was licking chocolate ice cream that was dripping down the cone, watching the little kids play with their mommies.


"Kyler, smile so momma can take a picture," my mother said smiling brightly.  Her white teeth were shining like pearls in the Saturday afternoon sun.

"CHEESE!" I giggled, looking at the camera and flashing an overdramatic smile.

I ran to the swing when the flash went off.  I sat down and started swinging.  The wind rushed through my hair.  I giggled and took in all the beauty around me.  The sun was shining high in the sky.  The green grass had been soft when my mother and I sat on it for our little picnic.  The sky was so blue that it looked like the ocean was floating above me.  There wasn't a single cloud in the sky. 

I decided I wanted to be tough and jump off the swing.  When I did, I landed on my feet, but the impact knocked me to my knees.  They started to bleed a little where they had been scratched.  A tear formed in my eye and I called out to my mom in a shaky voice.  She was at my side in seconds.

"Oh, my poor baby.  Are you okay?  Let mommy see."

She caressed my knee and then picked me up.  She placed me on a little bench and hugged me close.  She let me cry and calmed me down.  After I was finished whining, she placed her lips to my knee and kissed it.  "Does it feel better now?" she asked with a smile.

I sobered instantly.  My crying stopped and I was amazed by her beauty.  Her eyes were full of love.

"Yes, thanks momma," I said and gave her a hug and kiss.

"You know he was lying. You know she loved you," I whispered to myself.

I smiled to myself for a moment.  It was so easy being five.  I looked down at my cone.  It was dripping everywhere and it was a little soggy.  I threw it in the trash can beside the bench.  I got my phone out to check the time.  7:00.

I still couldn't shake the kiss from my mind.  I overreacted with Max.  I sighed and decided to text him.

I'm really sorry.  I was scared and sad and was bamboozled with 234569 different feelings. I didn't mean to take it out on you.

I reread it over and over.  He deserved a way better apology, but I pressed send anyway.

"This seat taken?"

Without looking up, I nodded.  Someone sat down a little too close to me.  I scooted over a bit and waited for Max to text me back.

"Kyler Cast, right?" the person beside me asked.  Without looking I could tell it was a guy.

I looked up a little shocked.  "Mhm," I said.  I took in all the features.  Dark brown hair, lovely tan, and those deep, dark, brown eyes wrapped in a white t-shirt and loose jeans.  "Nick, right?"

"Yup.  Do you remember the last name?" he asked.

I thought for a second.  Someone famous had his last name.  It was the guy in The Notebook.  Ryan, Ryan.  "Gosling," I finally said.

"Better remember it a bit better.  You're going to start using it more." He laughed like he'd just made a joke.

I looked at him in confusion.  "Okay?"

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