PCK Chapter 19

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  • Dedicated to To my lovely fans! Thanks a bunch! <3

"Tonight, you're a lot like me, tonight," we all shouted as we drove back from the mall. It actually was quite a fun trip. Max and I splurged a bit more than we should have with my dad's credit card. Who really cares though? Not me. Guilt filled my stomach as that thought rolled through my head.

"Is it alright if I come back up for a bit?" Luke asked, pulling into Max's driveway.

I glanced at the clock on the dashboard. It was only 2:30 pm.

"Absolutely!" Max said a little too fast. He turned red and scratched his head. "Make yourself at home," he mumbled, stepping out of the car and all but running in the house.

Luke and I laughed at him. We walked arm in arm to the door, then I dismissed myself to Max's room so they could... "digest" the morning's news without me.

I giggled to myself at the thought of those two kissing. Max would gush over it as soon as Luke left.

I climbed the stairs with a new energy. Things would start getting better. They had to right? I mean, they couldn't get worse.

I laid down on Max's bed and looked up at the ceiling. As entertaining as that was, I got a little bored.

The laptop he had on his desk caught my eye. Nick's image flitted through my mind. I wonder...

I got up and walked over, slowly settling into the desk chair and popping open the small compter. A wave of nerves washed over me, and I bit my lip. Facebook was already up on the screen. I logged Max out and slowly put in my information to log me in.

I noticed that I had gotten a friend request. My eyes grew wide and I took a couple deep breaths, deciding to check my notifications first. I replied to comments with a smiley face or a short answer.

Slowly, I moved my mouse to the friend icon. I closed my eyes and clicked.

Cautiously opening one eye, I glanced at the name.

Both my eyes shot open when I read the name: "Your Present"

"What?" I whispered to myself.

I clicked on the picture. It was just a red box with a yellow bow on it. At first, I thought it was just spam or something. The whole profile was private so no one could see anything, but the profile picture. I pressed the "Add" button so I could creep. If it was spam, I would just delete it later. Curiosity killed the cat, Kye. Well, obviously if my dad can't, than neither can a stupid Facebook friend, I argued with myself.

As soon as I clicked "Add", the browser refreshed. Evidently this person had just joined Facebook.

They had no friends, they'd neve posted a status. I mean, all that they had done was upload pictures and their interests and stuff.

I clicked on the pictures. There were about ten of them.

The first one was of a boy. The caption said: "Age 10". It was probably the cutest little boy I had ever seen. He was really small, even for a ten year old. His hair was cut in a buzz cut and he had big chocolate eyes.

At first, I was compelled to unfriend this person. I was starting to feel like a pedophile, but the eyes stopped me. They were so familiar. The boyish, chubby face was familiar, too.

There was a comment also. It said, "My dad was in the army. I moved around a lot. The buzz cut was pretty much my only hair cut until I turned 15."

I clicked the arrow for the next picture. It was of a man and a baby. The caption said, "Age: 1". It was the same boy. His mouth was open and he had a large grin on his face. Drool seeped out of the corner of his mouth. My eyes switched to the other person in the picture; the man. He was a stern looking man. His bright blue eyes were looking at the camera, but there was no expression in them. His hair was hidden by a hat. The man was wearing a uniform. It went odd with the excited baby.

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