PCK Chapter 11

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I only proof read half of this.... Hope you like it. 

"Kyler," Max said softly.  His lips were at my ear.  "Wake up, darling."

I smiled.  I felt like I move a little better now, but I was twice as sore.  "I'm awake," I said.  My voice was a little raspy from not being used.

"Ah, I do miss that sweet voice," Max said, poking the tip of my nose.

I giggled, grabbing his hand and placing it on my cheek.  I pushed my head into it and he pulled me to his warm chest.  I pulled back when I noticed he didn't have a shirt on.  He chuckled and pulled me close again.  I wiggled a little closer to him and flinched.  "I'm sore," I said softly.

Max stiffened and I rubbed his arm with my finger tips and he relaxed a bit.  "Kye, I am not letting you go back there.  I thought you died."  I flinched at his tone.  He relaxed a little more and ran his fingers through my hair.

"I think I'm going to get a job for after school," I said after a deep sigh.

"Why?" Max said, running his hand up and down my back.  I shivered a little and nuzzled my head closer in his chest.  I tried to avoid hitting any wounds.

"To get away from home," I said, closing my eyes.  "I don't want one in this town though, it wouldn't occupy enough time.  Maybe in a couple towns over or so," I said, thinking of all the towns around mine.

"That's actually a good idea, Roof," Max said.  He placed his lips on my forehead.  "You deserve so much better though."

I smiled and kissed his neck.  "Want to come job hunting with me?" I asked him.  I kind of wanted him to work with me.

"I would love to," he said.

Thoughts started swirling in my brain.  The events of last night, my mom's final words, and my feelings for Max and Nick all tangled up together and slid from my brain to my throat.  I tried to swallow the lump and be strong, but there is only so much I can handle.  "Why is my life so messed up?"  I looked up at Max and a tear slid down my cheek.

He kissed it away.  "Rufus, I know I am the last person who should be going all gospel on you, but honestly, God wouldn't put you through this if He thought you couldn't handle it," he said.  He pulled his head closer to mine and rested his forehead on mine.  "You are such a strong person, Kye.  When you graduate, I believe you'll have the whole world in your hands.  I will be with you every step of the way."

I wrapped myself around Max.  I didn't care about the pain.  Our legs were tangled up together, our arms holding each other close.  "Max, I need you," I said.  "I need you with me all the time.  I don't know what I'd do if you ever left me."  Tears slid from my eyes and Max wiped them all away.

"I'm not going anywhere," he soothed.  "Now, take a chill pill and relax."  He kissed my cheek and smiled at me.  "I'm going to make some breakfast, then we're going out," he said.  I loosened my grip on him and my eyes bulged out of my head.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"I'm makin-"

"I heard you," I interjected.  "I can't go out like this."  I motioned to my body.

Max slid out of the bed and walked to his door.  "It's a Wednesday.  School just started back and by the time we get out of here, it will be noon."  He winked at me and flashed me a mischievous grin.  "No one will be going to see a horror movie."  With that he walked downstairs.

"YOUR MOM TOLD ME TO STAY IN BED!" I yelled after him.

"YOUR POINT?" he asked.


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