PCK 3...

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Read the Author's Note at the bottom! I am NOT happy with this chapter.


Four years ago at this moment, I would be enjoying momma's wonderful blueberry pancakes.  I had just woken up on a Saturday morning.  I stretched and looked around my room.  The pink walls, curtains, and rugs made me feel like a princess.  That's even what daddy called me.  Princess Kyler, ruler of the Cast's!  I loved daddy so much.  Momma said that I was spoiled rotten.  That didn't stop her from buying me clothes every other week, or bringing home surprises.

However, this Saturday morning felt different.  The window of my room was closed.  Daddy always opened it in the summer time.  "Rain or shine, the sun should always wake you up.  Makes your morning brighter."  He always said.

Actually, from what I could see, there was no sun out at all.  Dark clouds pierced the air.

I threw off my blanket and raced down the stairs.  Daddy had stopped meeting me at the bottom to tickle me on my seventh birthday.  I told him big girls walked to the table by themselves.  I wished for his arms that morning.  I walked into the kitchen, no one was in there. 

"Momma," I called.  No answer.  "Daddy."

"In here, sweetheart."

I walked into the living room to see my father drinking his coffee.  He had a fire going in the fireplace, and that's when I realized how cold it was.

I walked over to sit beside him on our big, comfy couch.  When we had family nights, we would all pile on the couch and watch movies, and drink dad's famous smoothies.  My heart started to ache for some reason at the memory of our last family night.

"Where's momma?" I asked, snuggling into him to get rid of the awful ache.

"She went to the store to get fresh strawberries.  She said she needed a change from blueberries."  He smiled down at me. 

I huge clap of thunder threw me onto my father's lap.  He caught me and laughed, setting his coffee on the table beside the couch.

"It's just thunder-"  He was cut off by pelts of what sounded to be rain and hail.  "I better call the grocery store to see if your mother has left yet." he said with an odd expression on his face.

He started across the living room.  The phone rang when he was reaching down to grab it to make his call.  I will never forget that day.  I was ten years old.


"Kyler, honey, wake up."  Someone was brushing the hair out of my face.  Just by the way his hand melted onto my skin, and chased away all the emptiness my dream left, I knew it was Max.

"Max," I said softly, pressing my face tighter against his hand.  I realized I was lying on my bed, and he was laying behind me.  I pressed my back tighter against his stomach.  I needed his warmth right now.  "Stay with me."

His chuckle vibrated my whole body.  I could feel his breath in my hair.  When I looked out the window, I realized it was dark.  The moon was full.  Just like that night.  "Why aren't you laughing at my hilarious joke?" Max asked trying to sound offended.


"I didn't actually tell a joke, I just knew you weren't listening when I was talking.  Anyway, I'll stay even though that's like the trillionth time you've asked me to."  He wrapped his arms around me. 

That is when I remembered the cuts.  I passed out.  A bit of terror bubbled in my stomach.  I'd never passed out before.  I have got to get in control.

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