Author's Note.

6.3K 199 33

Oh my goooooosh! I finished.. -__________________________-

I'm sorry I've been off and on so much about writing this, and I'm sorry it's short! D: I hope you all like the ending, and I'm amazed by the positive feedback you all have given me. All the comments and votes and reads and followers.. it's awesome! It really means so much to me. And I'm in awe by how many of you love and can relate to PCK.

I know this could be a lot better, there were a lot of twists I could've put in, but didn't and there were a lot of times I added things that never popped back up, like the job Kyler and Nick got, but this is honestly a better story than I ever could've dreamed of writing.

Thanks for all the support and enthusiasm. I love and appreciate every one of you! <3

OH! And a lot of comments have been about the book cover. The blood is about Kyler's dad hitting her, for all of you that were confused. It was supposed to give a visual effect of what she really went through, but a lot of you don't like it. It was kinda surprising because I really liked it, but oh well. You win some, you lose some. Sorry if you don't like it. Anyway, I'm gonna go now because I'm really excited to hear what you guys think of the end. I think I lost the interest of a lot of people because I took so long, but that's okay. I'm greatful for the ones that are still reading!

Have a great day/night/evening, guys!

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