PCK Chapter 6 Part 1

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Bottom yo! Hehe, that was weird. Enjoy! :D

Once Max and I got in the car, we blasted the radio and rolled down the windows.  We both needed to unwind from the first day.  It was kind of hectic.

"There's a place downtown," I started, cranking the volume up a little more.

"Where the freaks all come around," Max finished.  Sometimes he could be more of a girl than me, but I loved him for it.

We seat danced in the car until we pulled into his driveway.  Max got a little crazy when Ke$ha was playing.  I think she was secretly his idol.

"Do you want to go to the mall?  Mom and dad aren't home yet, and your place is getting kind of boring," Max asked, cutting the engine and turning to look at me.

"Yeah, let me go put my things up.  You can come if you want to."

"Nah, I have to go in for a sec."

I shrugged and climbed out of his car.  "See you in a bit," I called over my shoulder.

I went to unlock the door, but to my surprise, it was already open.  Dang.  I opened the door slowly.  I wanted to open it and get out as quietly as possible.  It squeaked loudly and I silently scolded myself.  I stepped in and looked around.  No sign of him yet.  I walked to my room, quickly glancing in all directions, making sure my dad was nowhere in sight.  I opened the door to my room and closed it quietly, letting out a sigh of relief.  Maybe I just forgot to lock the door because I was in such a rush.  I shrugged it off.  I dropped my backpack on my bed and turned to go back to Max's house.  I let out a startled gasp as I turned toward my door. 

"Do you think you can just let you boyfriend beat up on me and that is the end of it?" my father slurred.  He wasn't as drunk as usual.  Actually, this is the soberest I've seen him in a while.

"N-n-no," I stuttered, gulping loudly.  I was going to get it bad.

"Were you planning on going out?  Without telling your poor old dad?  Where is the love in that princess," he sneered.

"I-I was j-just going with Max-"

"You aren't going anywhere.  This is my house, and you live by my rules!"  He was yelling now, and I was starting to get worried.  He had never talked to me before hand.  Hit, yell, and cuss.  Hit, yell, and cuss.  That was our usual routine.  This time was different.

"We were just going to the mall," I stated in a small voice. 

"You spend too much money.  That money is mine.  I worked for it, not you.  You and your mother both spent too much money.  Maybe you'll be with her soon instead of me."  He pulled up his lip in disgust.  "It's your fault she's not here you know.  She was going to the store for your sorry-"

"STOP!" I yelled.  I covered my ears with my hands and shut my eyes tight.

After a moment, I felt hot breath on my face.  I held back a gag.  He smelled like decaying teeth, alcohol, and sweat.  I felt his hands wrap around my wrists and angrily pull them from my ears.  I still held my eyes shut.  "What, feeling a little guilty?" he laughed.  I tried to fight it, but I couldn't any more.  A small tear escaped my eye.  "Aw, poor little girl.  Killed her mommy and now she's crying over it."  One hand released my wrist and came crashing down on my jaw.  "She hated you, you know.  She always talked about taking you to your aunt and sending you to boarding school.  I wish I would have let her."  I knew what he was saying were just a bunch of lies, but it hurt to think that my mom would say such things.  I opened my eyes and looked out my window.  I was willing Max to come check on me.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my dad rear back.  His fist met my stomach and all the wind rushed from my lungs.  "You remind me of her.  You got her dark hair."  He twirled a piece in between his fingers.  I flinched back at his touch.  He pulled me by my hair closer to his face.  I had forgotten to keep count.  "Your eyes are just a green as hers," he said.  The hand that still held onto my left wrist came up and touched my face.  He rested it on my cheek and rubbed the spot under my eye with his thumb.  "You have her nose, her cheeks; you even have her full lips."  He pulled his face too close to mine.

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