PCK Chapter 8 :P

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"Let's get to know each other," Nick said, after he had finished going over what he expected.  This guy didn't seem like a half bad teacher.  He didn't believe in homework and he said he was going to let us do a lot of group work.  All the girls kept asking dumb questions so he would laugh or smile.   This was an honors English class and a girl asked what a verb was.  Come on!

"Well, my name is Nick Gosling.  I am 21.  I am working on my master's degree, which I get in a few months, so I can actually teach English class in high school."

A hand shot up in the air.  It was the bubbly blond girl with the annoying laugh.  You could hear her from a mile away, and she hadn't stopped laughing this whole period.  Nick nodded at her to talk.  "If you're only 21, how can you sub?" she asked.  There was a wide smile on her face, and her shirt was pulled down way too far.  She pushed her arms together in front of her chest so her cleavage was better exposed.

"You only have to be about eighteen to sub if you have a little training.  I have four years of college under my belt," he said.  He kept his eyes on her face and she pouted about it a bit.

"Did you graduate early?" a guy asked.  He didn't talk much and looked very uninterested in the conversation.  The girl beside him, however, was bouncing up and down.  They were best friends.  I bet she asked him to ask because she was too shy.

"Yeah, I worked really hard in high school," Nick said.  He had a serious look on him face, but perked up after a second.  "Okay, now you guys go."

For twenty minutes, all the girls had said that they were going to be eighteen soon and that they were single or having relationship problems.  I felt like gagging.  All the boys had told Nick who their favorite team was or what they liked to do in their spare time.  Everyone had gone but Max and me.  Reluctantly, I stood and told a little about myself.

"Hi, I'm Kyler Cast," I gave a small wave around the room.  "I," I paused.  I had no idea what to say about myself.

Max stood up beside me.  "This is Kyler," he held his hands up like someone had just won me as a prize.  "She is 5'3'' and one heck of a kisser.  She likes the color purple.  She enjoys doing crazy makeup and dancing outside when it's raining.  Her favorite food is chicken nuggets, she doesn't have a lot of girl friends, and she is taken by some guy.  He doesn't even know how good he's got it," Max said.  He was looking in my eyes the whole time.  I blushed under his gaze.  "Oh, and she's doesn't realize how beautiful she really is."  He winked at me when he was finished.

"Well, that was quite interesting," Nick said, pulling Max and I back to reality.  "Looks like you don't know yourself very well, Kyler."

"Well, I, he," I stuttered.

"Nope, I know her better than she knows herself," Max said.  He still hadn't looked away from me.

"Okay, well, it's your turn," Nick said.  Max was the only one left.

Max nudged me in the ribs with his finger.  I let out an unwelcome laugh.  I glared at him, but did what I guessed he wanted.  "This is Max," I said, poking him in the chest.  "He is 6'5'' and loves to eat anything.  His favorite color is blue, he enjoys singing in the car, and he talks in his sleep.  He is a wonderful kisser," I said with a smirk.  "But, he never lets his girlfriend win at anything.  He is absolutely amazing and deserves better than what he has.  He is very protective of what he loves and wants a St. Bernard.  Oh, and he likes to think he's a ninja and attack me."  I smiled at him.  Max ruffled my hair while the class laughed at the last thing I said.

"You two are...odd," Nick said.  Max and I took a seat and looked toward the teacher.  "Well, now that we know each other better," he said after a moment.  "You guys can talk quietly until the bell."  I glanced at the clock.  We had about ten minutes left.

I turned to Max.  "Thanks, Maxy," I said.  I smiled at him and he pinched my cheeks.

"No problem, Rufus.  I will never let you win, though.  Oh, and by the way, this game will end when you go back to your own house," he said with a wink.

He was going to do the over the top boyfriend/girlfriend kissing revenge thing for that long?  "No fair!" I exclaimed.  "This is my revenge."  I stuck out my bottom lip.  "I don't want to go back home," I fake whined.

Max laughed.  "I know.  I don't want to stop kissing you.  I didn't lie when I said you were good at it."

My jaw dropped.  "Who said I was going to kiss you back?  I don't kiss people just because they ask."

"Well sure you do," a new voice said.  I turned around to see a smirking Nick.  I looked at Max with wide eyes.  He was looking at Nick through narrowed lids.  "Gosh, I was just kidding.  It's not like I would know."

He walked away with a wink in my direction.  I glanced around the room.  Thankfully, no one was paying attention to us.  "I don't like him," Max said, still glaring at Nick's back as he flirted with another girl.

I poked him in the side and he looked at me.  I smiled at him and his frown grew deeper.  I grabbed the back of his hair and pulled his head to me face.  His ear was at my lips.  "Smile, I don't like when you frown," I whispered.  I thought this would be my only chance at pay back for the moment.  I felt Max shake his head, so I pulled his head closer to mine.  My lips brushed the skin of his ear as I said my next words.  "Smile or you'll be sorry," I warned.  Again he refused.  Oh Max, I got you now.  I brought his ear in my mouth.  I felt his chest rise and fall faster and felt the chills on the back of his neck.  He laughed.  I nibbled on his ear a little, and more goose bumps popped up.  I bit down hard and he yelped in pain.  I pulled away quickly, trying to hide my laughter.  As the whole class looked at his messed up hair and paled face, he quickly put his head down.  I laughed and patted his hand.  "I will win," I stated.  I turned my attention back to the front of the room.  The class might have missed what had happened, but Nick sure hadn't.

He was smirking at me.  He pointed to Max after he made sure no one was looking.  You are so mean. He mouthed.  I smiled and shook my head.  The bell rang and we started to get up.  Max had regained his composure and was smiling evilly at me.  "Hey!" someone called from the front of the room.  "I would like to see you two after school.  We have a few things to discuss," Nick said.  He was staring at me, but I'm sure he was directing that at Max too.

I nodded and Max laughed.  "Sure thing, Mr. Gosling," Max said.  He grabbed my hand and we walked to third period.

Hey darlings :D  Long time no see!  Actually, I dont think it's been that long.  Anywaysssss, let me just say that this was more of a fun light chapter. Its suppose to make you happy! If you had a horrible day today, I hope this made you, at least, crack a smile. :)))))  I'm going to get more into the next chapter.  I'm sorry if im leading anyone on with Max, I just love him.  I cant help it.  I like that they tease each other n act all kissy and stuff.  Call me crazy if ya wanna, but Max is too cute.  Nick is still building as a character. I may upload again tonight, I may not.  I will tomorrow though! :P Oh, and if any guy is reading this, thank you for liking books.  Also, move to where i am so I can meet a fellow who is cool. :) COMMENT AND VOTE! Man, I just realized that I am a creep. Sorry everyone! COMMENT AND VOTE! :D

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