PCK Chapter 28 Part I

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The secretary held out the phone to me. Her lips moved and my hand reached for the phone. I put it to my ear. I heard a buzz of a voice. The only thing I could hear was my heart beat.

I nodded when the buzz silenced. I handed the phone back to the secretary. My eyes were filled with tears. I didn't know what was going on. My ears heard what the buzz had said, my feet were moving, but I had no idea what was going on.

An empty blackness entered my vision. I blinked repeatedly, trying to clear my eyes. My feet stopped moving. I lifted my arm and felt the cold metal of the door handle. My legs began to give out under my weight. I felt my hand move, but before I could realize what I had just done, the empty darkness took me over. I was gone.

~*~*~* Nick's POV ~*~*~*~

"Well, that was-" I stopped talking. There was a knock on the door. I held up my finger to the class. "One sec." I walked quickly to the door. I was hoping it was Kye with some sort of explanation. I twisted the handle and pushed open the door. Something was in the way, blocking it from opening more than an inch. I pushed a little harder. "What the," I whispered to myself. I pushed it open enough for me to barely slip out.

"Holy fu-"

"Nick," she whispered.

"What happened?" I asked her, bending down and lifting her head off the floor. There was blood dripping from her nose. Her eyelids fluttered shut. "Max!" I yelled, hoping he could hear me. I slid my arms under her body and lifted her off the ground. A few tears slipped out from under her lashes.

"What's- Holy f-" Max started, opening the door.

"Language," I said, turning and running towards the office.

"What happened?" Max asked, jogging beside me.

I shrugged, stopping in front of the office. Max opened the door. I stepped in and looked at the secretary. She smiled warmly at me. I gave her an annoyed look. "What happened?" I half yelled at her.

"What?" she asked me. My mouth opened in amazement.

"Excuse me," Max said, a charming smile playing on his lips.

The young secretary smiled back. "Yes?"

"Can you please tell me why Kyler Cast left?" he asked.

"Oh, I didn't handle that. She did," the secretary pointed behind her. There was an older lady there. Her eyes were puffy and she was wiping her nose.

"Now, that's better," I said under my breath. I walked behind the desk. "Excuse me," I said, tapping the secretary with Kyler's foot.

She turned towards me, gasping when she saw Kye. "What happened?" she said, grabbing tissues to wipe off the blood.

"I was going to ask you the same question," I said, repositioning Kye in my arms, so her head was more stable.

"She got a call," the secretary started. "They didn't go into much detail because the nurses didn't know much, but there's seems to have been an accident involving her father." She glanced a Kye. She paused in her efforts to get rid of the blood. "Shame," she whispered. "After her mom and all."

My stomach twisted. My emotions swriled around each other, fighting for dominance. I was obviously sad for Kye, but something else was there. I wasn't happy that her dad was in an accident. Was I? Karma... I shook my head. No, I was definitely sad.


I opened my eyes. My vision was blurry, but with a few blinks it came back. I nuzzled myself into the sheets. My head was really hurting. I wanted to go back to sleep.

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