PCK Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to All the people who stick with me...Even though I hardly ever update. :P

Author's note at the bottom. :) I didnt proof read... :PPP


Chapter 15

The rest of the weekend passed by rather fast…and boring.  Max’s grandmother told us we could have the rest of the weekend off because we handled the bridezillas so well.  She winked at Max and then handed him the keys to lock up the bakery.

Saturday was just chilled together and Sunday was spent catching up on makeup work.

Now, the alarm is buzzing and it’s time to go back to school after my mini-vacation.

“Ah, gruffleshpshhhh,” Max grumbled, half awake.

I giggled and patted him head.  I got up and headed for the shower.

I looked refreshed.  Sleep and a couple of days off from school had been good to my bruises.  They were a light yellowish green color now.  My cuts were barely noticeable and the swelling had gone down.  I kind of looked a bit… pretty.

I took a ten minute shower and excitedly dried off.  I was eerily excited about today.  I felt anxious.

“Wake up, sleepy head!” I giggled, pouncing on Max.  He was still asleep, tangled in sheets and blankets.

“It’s Monday.”

“Yeah?” I said, raising my eyebrow.

He sat up and ran his fingers through his bed hair.  “You are yelling, being all excited and crap.  It’s Monday.  Monday.  The start of a new week.  A whole five days of school. Monday,” he kept repeating the word and staring at the tangle of blankets in front of him.

“Max, you creep, get out of bed!” I laughed, launching myself in his direction.

I landed on his stomach and all the air rushed from his lungs.  I was worried that I had knocked the breath out of him until I realized he was laughing.

“Take it easy, Rufus,” he said between gasps for air.  He went to push me off of him, but he his hands froze on my hips.  “Dude, you aren’t dressed!” he exclaimed.  He stared at me for a few seconds with his mouth open.  I couldn’t breathe I was laughing so hard.  He pushed me off of him when he regained his head.

“Max,” I managed between laughs.  “I have clothes on!”

“Bras and panties don’t count!” he said, shielding his eyes.

I was doubled over in the floor.  My stomach was aching from all the laughter.  “It used to not bother you,” I said, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

“You just caught me by surprise,” Max said, getting out of bed.  He chuckled after a moment.  “I bet my face was priceless.”

Again, I was laughing.  I nodded to Max and he laughed.  I was still replaying the moment in my head when he ruffled my hair and left to get in the shower.

I heard him say loser under his breath as he walked out the door.

I skipped to Max’s closet and peered inside.  Max had reminded me the night before that I was wearing the new outfit.  I pulled on the tank-dress.  I wasn’t sure what is was really called, but I had been referring to it as the tank-dress since it was a tank top on top and a dress at the bottom.  I really loved the creamy color at the bottom.  The blue and black flowers really stood out on it.

I slipped into the dress and made a mental note to have Max zip it before we left.  I still had no idea how he was going to cover up my arms.  Max and his silly secrets.  I rolled my eyes at the thought of him.  A large smile played at my lips.  What a turd.

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