PCK Chapter 7!!! :P

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Dinner was amazing.  Max's mom can really cook.  I woke up the next morning a little earlier than usual.  I tried to stretch, but Max had me in an iron hold.  I giggled and tried to wiggle my way out of his arms.  After about fifteen minutes, I finally freed myself and walked down the hall to the bathroom.  I didn't want to cause anyone to be late by using up their shower time, so I got up before everyone so I wouldn't interfere.

I took a quick shower, and wrapped my towel around myself.  I walked back to Max's room to find him asleep in the same position I left him in.  I walked over to one of the bags containing my clothes.  As I unzipped it, I heard a rustle behind me.  I twisted around and laughed at a sleepy Max rubbing his eyes.  He smiled when he had them fully open.  "Nice towel, but I don't think they'll let you wear that to school," he joked.

"Are you even awake?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I heard you humming in the shower.  Keep your day job," he said.  He smiled and winked, then pointed to an outfit on his dresser.  "I already picked out your clothes."  With that, his head fell back on his pillow and soft snores filled the room.  I knew he wasn't fully awake.

I walked over to the clothing on his dresser and picked them up.  I walked back to the bathroom.  My cheeks burned a little when I noticed that Max had picked out my undergarments to go with the outfit.  He'd picked out an electric blue shirt with a pair of 1970s headphones on it.  You know the ones that practically ate your ears.  The headphones were red and he'd paired them with red skinny jeans.  I smiled at his choice and pulled on the clothes.  I opened the door, and was met by Max's mom who was about to knock.  Things were still a little awkward with her.

"Um, good morning Mrs. Moore," I said.  My voice was shaking.

"Morning," she said stiffly.

I walked past her and back to Max's room.  When I opened the door, Max was sitting up.  I smiled at him.  "Morning," I said.

Max ran a hand through his bed hair and a chuckle shook his chest.  "Did I talk to you this morning, or was that a dream?"

My smile widened.  "That, sir, was no dream."

He huffed and gave me an apology.  I laughed and then he went to shower.  I went my bags that were sitting on the ground.  I opened one of the clothes bags and pulled out blue flats.  I stepped into them and then grabbed my makeup bag.  I needed a mirror.  I looked around Max's room, but I couldn't see one.  I opened his closet door and found a full length mirror hanging on the door.  It would have to do.  I sat down in front of the mirror with my legs crossed.  I applied my foundation.  I had to put on a little more than yesterday because there was a small bruise on my cheek.  I put blue eye shadow on my lid and the same red as yesterday on my crease.  I put gray under my eye and then applied eye liner and mascara as usual.  I looked in the mirror when I was finished and heard a whistle from behind me.  I turned around and saw Max staring at me.

"I like the drastic colors.  They bring out your eyes.  I'm wearing gray?" he asked, looking under my eyes.

I nodded.  Max crossed the room and squatted in front of me.  He flicked my nose and I giggled.  "What was that for?" I smiled.

"For being so darn cute," he said.  His voice was warm.  My mind flashed back to the kiss and I longed to pull his lips to mine.

He came a little closer to me.  I could feel his breath all over my face.  I closed my eyes and took in his scent.  I opened them and found him smirking.  "What're you thinking about?" he asked.

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