PCK Chapter 20

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Beep! Beep, beeeeeep!

I opened my eyes slowly. Light poured in through Max's window and it made me retreat under the covers.

I slid my hand onto the table beside the bed and tapped the alarm clock. I turned and faced Max. His eyes were closed and his long lashes brushed his cheekbones. His blond hair was wild with sleep.

"Maxxy," I whispered, cupping his cheek. "It's time to wake up."

"Mmmm, humm do nnnnnnnnnnnooottt," he replied, pulling the covers further above his head.

I scooted closer to him. My eyes landed on his sculpted chest and I rolled my eyes. Weren't guys supposed to dress decent in front of girls? "Max, babe, it's time to get up," I said, still below a whisper.

"Kye!" he whined. I waited for him to continue, but his didn't.

"Max, wakey, wakey."

He shook his head.

I scooted even closer to him. His warm embrace locked me to his chest. "Let's skip," he mumbled.

I laughed. "We did yesterday. We have to go."

He stuck out his bottom lip. For a second, I was thrown back into our childhood. When Max was sad or mad about something he was lay down, close his eyes, and stick out his bottom lip. People melted right away and he got what he wanted. Granted, most of the time it was things we both wanted, but people never melted like that for me.

I kissed his cheek. "Maxxy, I you are not skipping."

He nodded. I kissed his jaw bone. "No," I said firmly.

Max smirked. He was awake now. "Oh, yes," he replied, a playfull note to his voice.

I moved my lips down and kissed the hollow of his neck. "Geeet uuuup," I said softly in a sing song voice.

"Oh, how I wish you were Luke," he muttered. "Kye, one more day won't hurt," he complained, snuggling his face into my hair.

I kissed his collar bone. "Please?" I said in a small voice.

"Sleep," Max said.

I laughed. I placed my lips on his chest. It was so warm. I really needed to figure out how this guy retained so much body heat. I sucked in a deep breath and let it out in a rush against his skin.

Max shot up. "Roof! Why did you do that?" he said, shooting me a glare. "Blowing raspberries is my thing." Max shook his head and rolled over.

I smiled and threw the covers off of me. "I'll wake you up when I get out of the shower," I said, grabbing a fresh pair of panties and a new bra I just bought.

"Wear the green ones," Max said, muffled into his pillow. He lifted his head up, a sleepy grin playing on his full lips. "They're much cuter."

I rolled my eyes and picked up the green panties with the frog on them.

I let the hot water run over my cold skin. I lathered shampoo into my hair. Would it be weird around Nick today? How would he act?

I shook my thoughts, and hurried to get out of the shower. I towel dried my hair and slipped my undergarments on.

I stepped into Max's room, looking through the bags of new clothes. "Max," I said.

I jumped out of my skin when I felt an arm around my waist. "Yes, darling," he said, flicking the elastic of my underwear.

I pushed him away. "Stop, creeper. Clothes?"

Pulling the bag from my hands, he sifted through them. He handed me black skinny jeans, a cream colored long sleeved shirt, a floral tank-top, and a purple cardigan.

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