PCK 4! :DD

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Tell me who you picture when reading please. :) Author's note at the bottom...


When I woke up the next morning, Max was taking over more than half the bed.  His mouth was slightly open and drool was escaping the corner.  I laughed loudly and he woke up with a start.

"Where's he at?"  He leapt from the bed, landing in a ninja stance.  I laughed even harder.

"Who?" I asked around my giggles.  He turned to me confused.

"What am I doing?  Why am I here?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

He's sleep walking!  I doubled over in laughter.  Tears were rolling from my eyes, and my stomach was hurting so bad.

"Kye?  Are you okay?"  He walked over to me on the bed.  He took the shaking, the tears, and me bent over as pain I'm guessing.  When I looked up, he was clearly confused.

"You," I laughed so hard I went silent again.  I tried to gain control over my giggles.  "You were sleep walking.  You jumped like a ninja and asked where some guy was.  Then you asked where you were and what you were doing here."  I stated laughing again. 

"Not funny." He said frowning.

I got up and entered the kitchen.  It smelled like stale beer and sweaty, unwashed person.  I looked over to see dad sleeping on the couch.  I miss you.  I thought.

"I should go.  You need to get ready if we are going out today." Max said, pulling my head so I wasn't staring at my father anymore.

"Let me make you breakfast first.  I have to eat anyways." I said grabbing his hand, and pulling him into the pantry.

"Okay, sure, but what if he wakes up?"  He pointed in the direction my father.

I placed pancake mix in his arms and led him to the fridge.  "Does he look like he going to wake up?  He's is always passed out cold for at least four hours after I wake up."  I proceeded to fill his arms with bacon and eggs, and then sent him over to the counter beside the stove while I got a large, blue bowl and a measuring cup.

"What if he does, though?" Max said, setting down the supplies.  He looked back up at me.  His eyes were full of concern and worry.

I sighed.  "Watch this."  I screamed at the top of my lungs.  Max threw his hands up to his ears.  My dad didn't budge.  "Told you," I said smiling.

"My goodness, I think I've gone deaf."

"Ha ha, very funny.  Mix that together, will you?"  I said pointing to the bowl and pancake mix.  I handed him the measuring cup and walked over to get a pan from the cabinet under one of the counters.  I placed it on the stove and put the bacon in.  I turned the stove on, and felt arms slide around my waist.  I tilted my head back to see Max looking down at me. 
"I think we should break up," he stated seriously.

"Well, should we do it on the first day back or just tell everyone we decided to be friends instead?" I asked turning to look at him.

"Um, well, I don't know." He said averting his gaze to the floor.

Max and I weren't really dating.  That was just the other half to the promise we had made to each other.  (We were always touching, even if it was just by our knees.  It just became natural to us after a while so we did it when we were out of school too.)  I would be his pretend girlfriend at school, and he would keep my cutting and father a secret.  When he found out what my father did to me, he refused the secret.  Then I told him why.  I had a feeling, I guess you could call it, that one day my dad would snap out of this... daze he was in and stop hitting me.  I believed it with all my heart.  Max knew that I was being sincere when I told him this so he didn't question it.  He vowed to keep my secret.  I vowed to be his fake girlfriend.

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