PCK Chapter 9! ^.^

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Do I like this chapter? Maybe... idk.  Author's note at the bottom. Dedicated to the best web sister everrr! You can talk books (and guys) with me anyday! ;D Hehehe!

The rest of the day, all the girls talked excitedly about Nick.  I mean Mr. Gosling.  Even the guys had taken a liking to him.  You couldn't walk two steps in the hallway without hearing his name five times.  Believe me, I counted.

Max and I had taken off by ourselves at lunch.  Neither one of us could handle more talk about Nick.  I could already tell this year was going to be quite interesting.

"What do you think he wants?" Max asked.  We were walking hand in hand through the hallway.  Lunch was about forty-five minutes long and the bell just rang.  We had time to spare.

I thought for a second.  Max rubbed his thumb along the side of my hand.  "I don't know.  He could want to talk about what happened," I guessed, shrugging my shoulders.

"Or, maybe he wants more of what happened," Max teased.  He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.  He lightly pushed me up against the lockers and put his hands against the wall on either side of my head.  I laughed at him.

"It could be a friendly meeting you know," I said.  I pushed his chest, and he moved his body back slightly, but still had me pinned to the locker.  "Don't judge him before you get to know him."

"Someone has a crush," Max teased.  I smirked.  I wonder if I can make Max jealous.  I thought.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," I said.  I let the smirk stay on my face.

Max pulled his face closer to mine.  His hot breath was all over my face.  "Don't you even try another stunt like you did in English.  You won't win," he said.  The smirk slid off my face and onto his.  I bit my lip.  Why couldn't he just let me win? 

I tried to push him off me so we could start wondering around again, but he kept me trapped.  "What?" I finally said.

Max raised an eyebrow.   "What, what?" he asked.

"What are you doing?  Let's walk," I said, pushing on his hard chest gently.

"I don't want to," Max said simply.

I gave him a questioning look.  He just stared at me.  Then, I got a wonderful idea of how to get out of this position.  "Fine," I said.  I put my hands on the small of his back and pulled him into me.  He laughed and looked down at me.  He lightly kissed the top of my head.  I looked up at him when he had pulled away.  "Max," I said softly.

"Yes?" he breathed.

I pulled up the bottom of his shirt an inch and ran my fingertips over the exposed skin.  He laughed a little.  I looked down and ran my hands over the top of his shirt where his abs were.  I traced them with my index finger and then looked back up at him.  I ran my index finger from the bottom of his shirt up to the side of his neck.  I pulled my other arm around his waist and spun him around.  Now he was pinned against the locker.  "Are we still playing the game?" I asked.  I was rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

He placed his hands on my hips and placed his forehead on mine.  "Yupp," he said, popping the p.

I smiled and mouthed the word 'good'.  I tangled one hand in his hair and kept the other on the side of his neck.  I brought his lips closer to mine and stopped right before they met.  I licked my lips and smiled.  "Can I kiss you?" I asked.  He laughed, but nodded.  I laughed and got so close that our lips were brushing, but you couldn't really call it a kiss.  I giggled a little.  "Well, I don't want to.  Guess you're just going to have to catch me," I said.  I quickly moved my hands to his chest and pushed him away from me.  He stumbled back a little and I took off down the hall.  "Come get me sucker!" I yelled.  He was smiling and I knew it wouldn't be long until he would catch up.  I tried to run as fast and quietly as I could.  I risked a quick glance behind me.  Max was easily catching up with me and he was very quiet.  I turned around and pushed to run a little faster.  I skidded into the English wing and took off towards the bathroom.  I turned to peek at Max again.  He was five steps away.  I was about to turn forward when I smacked into something, or rather someone.  The impact knocked us both down on top of each other.  I looked up into the gorgeous dark eyes of Nick.  He was smiling his flirty, crooked, cute smile.  I had fallen on top of him.  His hands were at my waist like he had tried to stop me from falling.  My hands were on the floor on either side of his head.  Much like Max had just pinned me.  I quickly shot up and my face turned bright red.

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