PCK Chapter 25

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There was about one hundred people in the club already. I was surprised by the number considering the time, but Nick said there was an early bird special.

"I'm going to go get something for us to drink," Nick shouted over the music. He led me to a small couch and told me to stay there so he could find me. I sat down and looked out at the the swarm of people. They were all moving to the beat. There was a large cluster in the middle, but people got more spaced out around the edges.

I looked away from the people and pulled my phone from my pocket. I was grateful that my pants were so tight or it might've fallen out. I glanced at the time. It was already eleven. We would have to leave pretty soon.

"Don't set it down. Keep hold of it the whole time we're here, okay? Keep the lid on and everything," someone said, thrusting a bottle of water in front of my phone screen.

I put the phone in my pocket and grabbed the water from Nick. He held out his hand, waiting for me to take it, but I used it to pull him down next to me. "Why so many rules?" I asked, leaning against him. I was kind of tired from all dancing.

Nick threw an arm around me and played with my hair. "Kids," he muttered. "Just make sure you keep it with you, alright?"

I nodded. "It's already eleven," I said, just remembering the time and sitting back up.

Nick's eyes grew wide. "We have to be getting back soon. I thought it was only like, ten."

I nodded my agreement and stood up. "I have to go to the bathroom," I announced.

Nick laughed. "Alright, they're over there," he said, pointing to silver doors on the other side of the room.

I glared at them. Why did they have to be all the way over there?

Nick stood as well. "C'mon," he said, lacing our fingers together. He started walking toward the bathroom with my in tow. For some reason, instead of going around the crowd, we were going through it. I pressed myself against Nick's back, not wanting to get separated or fondled on by some stranger. Right now, I just had to pee, and the water in my hand really wasn't helping.

Finally, we made it to the silver doors. I let out a sigh of relief. Nick laughed and we both parted ways and slid through the doors. There were only a few people in the restroom. Two young looking girls were applying makeup in the mirror and a third was emerging from one of the stalls. They glanced at me and I stood there, awkwardly, under their gazes. One looked at me in disgusted and the other two followed her out the door.

"They really don't like you," someone said. I glanced away from the closing silver door to a young looking girl. I would have guessed her to be about twenty-one or twenty-two. Her hair was shorter in the back and grew longer around the front. It barely touched her shoulders on the sides. She walked to the sink and stuck her hands under the faucet to get them wet. "What'd you do?" she said, her blue eyes looking into mine through the mirror.

I shrugged. "I walked into the bathroom," I said, moving towards the stall.

The girl laughed. "You're funny. Hey, do you want me to hold that while you go?" she asked, pointing to the water bottle.

I glanced at it. "Um," I said, Nick's warning popping into my mind. "No, thanks. I got it."

The girl smiled. "Smart, too. That guy you've been with all night sure knows how to pick them. He's gorgeous, honey," she said, licking her lips. "If you don't go home with him, I will."

I gave her an awkward smile and closed the door to the stall. Once I was in there, I made a face and sat my water bottle on the toilet paper dispencer. How did she remember seeing him? I don't remember seeing her at all. Nick's image entered my mind. Actually, how you could not remember him? He was gorgeous. I stepped out of the stall and over to the sink. I sat the bottle down and washed my hands. The girl was still in here, applying lip gloss. She was watching me through the mirror. I awkwardly glanced at her a few times, trying to hint that she was creeping me out. I grabbed the bottle and a few paper towels and speed walked to the door. I slid out and out and sighed. I felt like if I would have been in there a few more seconds, she would have melted my skin with her gaze. Nick was waiting outside the door for me. When I looked at him, he smiled.

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