PCK Chapter 13. :)

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Author's note at the bottom. :) Enjoy!

"Is this what you've been doing all day?" Max said, opening the door to his bedroom and kicking around a bag of potato chips.

I was sitting in his bed with tissues all around me. I had started watching The Titanic a couple of hours ago. The boat was sinking, and all of the people were scattered in the water. Rose and Jack were still talking. "She stinking let go! She told him she wouldn't, and she did!" I sobbed. I blew my nose with a tissue in one hand and wiped my tears away with the tissue in the other.

Max chuckled and slip into bed beside me. "Rufus, are you feeling okay? You've never been this sad over a movie." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

I turned away from the movie, not being able to bare Jack dying, and buried my head into Max's shirt. "Max, let's go do something. I am sick of sitting around all day and not going anywhere," I ranted. I wiped my nose with the back of my thermal and sat up.

"Woah, Tiger, slow down," Max said, pulling me back down in his embrace. "You passed out yesterday because you had too much action. Mom was right, you need to rest. Plus, I'm grounded. We can't go anywhere until next Friday."

"Aw, Maxy, please?" I begged. I looked up into his eyes and and stuck out my bottom lip. I tried to get my eyes to shimmer with tears.

Max laughed and pinched my cheek. "Man, you and teach are made for each other!" he teased.

I narrowed my eyes and stuck my ongue out at him. I tried to make it look like it made me mad, but in reality, I was happy he had said that. It gave me a little hope. "If you ever say that again, I'll, I'll," a smile played at the corner of my mouth. "I'll break up with you."

Max grabbed his chest where his heart would be. "Aw, Kye, that hurts just hearing it. You would kill me if you actually did it." His demeanor returned back to normal and his teeth clipped my ear. I giggled and pushed him away.

"Max, come on, let's go," I said again. I ran my fingertips along his arm that was on the upper side of my waist.

"Not today, you need to rest," he told me. His voice was gentle and he kissed my temple.

"Gosh dad," I muttered under my breath. Max chuckled. It rolled up from the bottom of his stomach and fell out of his mouth. The laugh vibrated my head when I placed my chin on his chest.

He unwrapped one of his arms from around me and pushed my hair off my face. "Darling, don't compare me to him." He kissed my forehead, letting his lips brush the skin of my cheek when he pulled away. I smiled at him. "Tomorrow is Friday, Rufus," he informed me, returning to brushing my hair away from my face. "Tomorrow is Friday and summer is almost over." His eyes narrowed. "Mom won't let me out of the house unless I'm doing something productive." Evil smiles grew on our faces.

"Job hunting!" We both shouted.

After a few minutes of chattering about where to apply, his words seeped into my brain. "Wait, what does it being Saturday and summer have to do with anything?" I asked, furrowing my brows together.

Max rolled his eyes and smiled. His teeth gleamed when the sun hit them. It lit up his golden hair and gave his face an angelic glow. He pressed on the skin between my eyebrows, making my expression relax a bit. "It's a surprise," he shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes at him. This could either go really well, or really bad. Max laughed and sat up, pulling me onto his lap. He twisted me towards the TV and wrapped his arms around me and rested them in my lap. He placed his head on my shoulder and I entwined our fingers. The end credits were rolling.

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