Chapter 25 - Sam the hacker

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Jasper hardly thought the waiting room of the hospital was the best spot to host this...meeting but that was all they had so it had to do.

"It's about what happened to you Kiara." Sam was standing in the centre of the room. Both Jasper and Adrian were standing. Adrian behind Sam at the door and Jasper in the corner of the room next to Sky's chair.

Kiara's head shot up, surprised. "To me?"

Sam nodded, continuing,"What happened two years ago. I was eighteen at the time. Ironically enough, I was there that night. My boss had sent me to the lab to deliver some equipment the scientists needed. I was just out the door when the explosion happened."

"Everyone else in the building probably died?" Sky asked, playing with her fingers but not looking at them while she was doing it.

Sam nodded,"No, it was just me the guy who was delivering the equipment with me. But if I think about it now, I can't help but wonder if there hadn't been a bomb in one of those boxes we were carrying."

"But why'd your boss blow it up, if it was deliberate?" Kiara asked, crossing her arms before uncrossing them again and tapping her foot then stopped again.

Sam shrugged slightly,"If I had to guess, the weapon they were working on was ready and my,"the glazed over looked returned but he recovered quicker than before this time,"...boss didn't want to leave any witnesses behind or the weapon they had been testing hadn't been a success and he still wanted to get rid of the witnesses."

"Wouldn't they be missed by their family members?" It was Mike who had asked that with crossed arms.

Sam shook his head, his lips on a line,"If you work in this organisation you are not allowed to have any outside connections with family or friends."

"So basically you should be an orphan." It was a question asked by Kiara but more a statement told by her.

Jasper sighed,"Getting back to the explosion, you realised the campers-the girls- were nearby?"

Sam nodded,"Yes, I only heard the groaning after I had called the explosion in. Once some of the higher ranked agents arrived we got the order to kidnap the girls, treat their wounds and ultimately recruit them."

Kiara crossed her arms again, scoffing,"I thought you had a no outsider policy, how'd you know they aren't just regular school girls on a camping trip, you'd you know they were orphans?"

A frown tugged at Sam's lips,"One of the guys saw the orphanage's logo on one of the tents. If he hadn't they girls had been dead."

A hopeful look flickered on Kiara's face,"So you're saying they're still alive, the girls?"

Sam nodded, his expression not matching Kiara's one at all."Yes, not all of them but most…"

Jasper caught how Sam was trailing off, unsure whether he should utter the words or not. So Jasper spoke instead,"Kiara, remember they're not who they were anymore. They've changed, even the nice ones."

It was as if the thought only now registered in her mind, he was right. Even Kara, the girl who was the nicest to her, would be different. She had been working for this evil organisation for two years, she was the enemy now.

Kiara couldn't quite say why she cared so much. They hadn't been her good friends. They shouldn't be anything to her. But she shared a house with them, she got used to them and then they are just...gone.

Kiara raised her head, she just had to make peace with it. And now, she thought she did. Kara was a bad guy now, she had a lot of potential, she wanted to be a nurse but that's not how her life had been planned out.

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