Chapter 10 - Sinking and Sailing ships

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"You utter incompetent bloody idiot!" The man yelled, his blue eyes glaring at the person in front of him.

Sunlight shone through a small circular window. Giving a small streak of sunlight in the shabby, dingy room. The man stepped into the sunlight, crossing his arms as he did so.

"I told you to get it done." He said calmly, although fire danced in his eyes.

The young man averted his eyes to the floor. "And?" The man questioned, the sunlight causing shadows to appear on his face.

"I.. didn't get to it yet." The young man in his early twenties said. He stood with his hand behind his back. His head hung lowly.

The man cocked his head to the side, analysing his dark haired companion,"And why exactly is that?"

"It's a girl isn't it?" It was more a statement than a question. The young man's head snapped up quickly, his eyes widened for a split second before going back to their normal size.

He nodded his head slightly, he got his answer. He let eyes drop to the floor in thought. He looked back up at his young companion."Does she know about your wings?"

The young man set his lips on a thin line and nodded stiffly. "Dammit." The other man's accented voice cursed.

The man remained silent for a moment before letting his lips form a smirk."Get rid of her."

"You mean…" The young man's voice trailed off.

"No, I mean knit sweaters with her." He replied sarcastically. He continued. "You know what you have to do, take the others with you. Get rid of the girl and get it done today. Remember what's coming tomorrow. The syndrome is already in their systems. It has to get done today."

The young man nodded, swallowing hard. He still remained in the same spot, unsure about whether to leave or not.

"Well? What are you still doing here? Get out of here!" The blue eyed man dismissed him. Once the guy left, he shook his head to himself,"Bloody idiots."


Kiara felt a smile tug on her lips when she saw a familiar dark haired figure. She slowed down as she neared him.

Sam must have heard her arrival, because he turned to look at her. Kiara placed her hands on her hips, panting slightly from her run.

"Fancy seeing you here." She joked, but he didn't smile. Her eyes traveled to his back. She's seen him two times before, everytime she was on a run. The second time, the day after she met him, he was shirtless again. But the third time, right before the call out to the city Hall, he was wearing a shirt.

She figured that his wings probably folded into themselves when he wore a shirt. She felt herself liking his wings, they were unique. And it was totally not because she got to see him shirtless when she saw his wings.

"Kiara," When he spoke, he got her attention."I don't think we can see each other anymore."

Kiara scoffed,"What? I didn't scare you away with my weirdness did I?"

He didn't laugh at her joke, he didn't even crack a smile."Okay,"He said through gritted teeth,"I'll do it the hard way then."

He turned to her fully, standing up straight. Kiara had to look up at him, her eyes wide. He clenched his fists at his sides. He let out an exasperated sigh."I don't want to talk to you anymore."

He took a step closer to her,"You're a freak. You're a bitch. You're self-centred. I don't."He took another step forward, lowering his head to stare into her eyes, their noses were centimetres apart,"Want to be around you. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to be near you."

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