Chapter 24 - What was real and what was not

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Jasper clenched his fists until they turned white. His foot tapped up and down. Doctors and nurses hurriedly rushed past him. He only saw their feet, he didn't bother to raise his head.

For the fifth time tonight, he found himself unclenching his jaw, he hadn't even realised he had been doing.

His mind travelled back to Sam, his brother. His brother. How could you have a sibling without knowing? He suspected something was up with this guy, but his brother? He would've never thought that.

Jasper had noticed how much like his mother Sam looked. The dark eyes he found familiar were the same eyes as his mother's. He had the same dark locks as his mother. He had the same smile as his mother.

Jasper could be sure that his face paled. It was the truth. Sam was his mother's son.

He and his mother were the 'us' Jane had mentioned in her journal. Sam was the baby boy with the wings in that photo his mother had kept. All these years Jasper had been living oblivious to the fact that he wasn't his mother's first child, he wasn't his mother's only child. But that's how he grew up, he grew up as an only child, no other child was ever mentioned. Then, what happened?

"Mommy! It's Taylor Swift!" A girl's yell made Jasper raise his head. His eyes zeroed in on a girl, probably not older than nine, jumping up and down pointing at Kiara.

Jasper's eyes moved to see a surprised Kiara pause in the middle of the hallway.

From where Jasper was sitting, he could see both the waiting room, the ER and -his eyes traveled to the sign of the ward the girl was in- the children's cancer ward. The girl has seen Kiara walk past and mistaken her for Taylor Swift.

Kiara stood completely still in the hallway, gaping. She clutched the coffee cup in her hand. She looked to Mike who walked by her side,"Uh-"

She was cut off by the girl running towards her, a bright smile beaming on her face and her eyes twinkling.

Kiara stared the girl down in surprise, she quickly put on a small smile not wanting to come off as rude.

"I can't believe you came! They told me you wouldn't come before I die but you came!" The girl jumped up and down again, the orange scarf wrapped around her head almost falling off.

Kiara sighed,"Sweetheart I-"

"Of course she came!" Mike exclaimed from her side, startling her."She wouldn't miss this for the world!"

The girl looked ready to burst with excitement, she ran off to her mother who was in the midst of talking to a nurse. The tears welling up in her eyes told Jasper that the news she was receiving couldn't be good.

"What are you doing?" Kiara gritted out, careful not to be too loud and attract attention.

"Come on, KitKat. She's a cancer patient, how much time do you think she has left?"

Kiara's face softened but a line formed between her eyebrows,"Wouldn't it matter if she finds out I'm not who she thinks I am?"

"It wouldn't." A brittle voice replied from behind Kiara. Kiara turned to see the mother of the little girl,"She doesn't have much time left at all. Her dream was to meet Taylor Swift. At least she'll…" the woman trailed off when sobs ran through her body, making her take a step back to lean against the wall and hide her face in her hands.

Kiara shared a glance with Mike then took a step forward,"I can spend a little time with her if you want. I can't change anything…"

The woman removed her hand and embarrassingly wiped away a few tears, she tried to muster a smile,"I wouldn't mind at all."

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