Chapter 6 - Something bad

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"What are you smiling about?" Sky asked Kiara from where she sat on the couch busy drawing.

"Nothing." Kiara simply said

"You know nothing, always means something. It's like saying, I'm fine, everyone knows it's a lie." Sky argued.

"It's just this guy, I keep running into when I'm jogging." Kiara said tying her long hair in a ponytail.

"You like him." Sky stated matter-of-factly

Kiara immediately denied it." What! No, I barely know the guy."

"That doesn't stop disney princesses." Sky gave her a look pointing her pencil at Kiara. While Kiara took out her water bottle.

Kiara choked on her water," I'm not a princess." She tried to say between coughing.

"Anyway," Kiara changed the subject," How did Jasper's training go yesterday?"

"Well, when I got back I saw that he extinguished the fire. And I asked Adrian, he said that Jasper made a massive inferno and then destroyed it. So I'd say he made good progress."

Amethyst entered the room," Hi, Am! Wait, what's wrong?" Amethyst seemed different like something wasn't right.

She looked at Sky, her violet eyes have a different emotion than usual, distress. Her purple hair, always in a perfect condition, now messy." Something bad is gonna happen today. Something bad, someone is gonna get hurt badly."

Kiara frowned," Who's gonna get hurt?"

"I..I don't know." Amethyst said tiredly.

"Do you know where it will happen?" Sky asked.

Amethyst closed her eyes," Blood…. darkness….buried… no that's all I have."

Kiara was about to say something when an alert went off. It was flashing green meaning, officer meaning assistance.

Adrian checked the computers in the other room. "Jasper! Go with Amethyst on this one. Some police officer had to go check out suspicious activity at a shopping mall. The mall is closed off because of potential hazardous infrastructure but no one's supposed to be there today. This officer hasn't returned yet and it has been hours."

"Alright." Jasper agreed. For once Amethyst looked reluctant but silently left the room following Jasper.

The drive to the mall was silent between the two. Once they arrived they saw yellow tape saying 'keep out', a police car stood nearby.

"Well their car is still here." Jasper pointed out. Amethyst nodded.

"So what's your superhero name again?" Amethyst asked ducking under the tape.

"Umm...I fire, no Flame. My name's Flame." He followed after her. Amethyst looked around her noticing every detail.

"Good choice." She commented, entering the building.

The mall was a big space, in the center a massive staircase leading to the second floor. A big fountain stood near the stairs. A dozen stores stood on each side, about half a dozen in a row, a hallway separated the stores from each other then the rest continued down the hall.

They barely made it into the building when a police officer stopped them. She came out of one of the stores. Her lips in a flat line and her auburn hair in a bun," Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"We're cobras. We got dispatched because you didn't return or answer your radio." Amethyst said.

"Oh the damn thing must have died again. But everything is fine here, just doing annual check ups." She smiled. Jasper looked at her name tag, it said 'Henning'

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