Chapter 16 - Answers or more questions?

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Jasper squinted his eyes, scanning the alleyway he just arrived in. According to dispatch, there was a supernatural being in the vicinity.

He's not one to argue, if they said someone's here, someone's here.

The sun had already set and the light faded fast, making it difficult to see a thing.

Rattling near a trash can made Jasper snap his head in that direction. A cat soon revealed itself as the culprit.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Jasper went back to his task at hand. The dull street light, poorly lit the alleyway.

The night was silent and deadly, not a single sound could be heard. The two apartment buildings next to the alleyway were full of oblivious residents.

Jasper clenched and unclenched his jaw, he narrowed his eyes. Something should've happened by now. Someone should've shown themselves-

Someone jumping on his back from behind caught him off guard making him almost lose his balance.

The person wrapped their legs around his torso, and wrapped their arms around his neck holding on to him. They leaned near his ear,"Purrrrrr-fect."

The feminine voice made a click sound, licking Jasper's ear.

Jasper was freaking out internally, but if there's one thing he learned, is don't show weakness, surprise or fear to your enemy.

Jasper backed against the wall, hitting the girl on his back hard. She groaned, but didn't loosen her hold,"Nice try, but it's gonna take more than that honey."

Jasper gritted his teeth, he warmed his hand, seeing it glow. He put his hand, on the first exposed skin of hers he could find, her hand.

She yelped,"Aw, don't you wanna play?" She giggled pecking his cheek.

"Not with you I don't." Jasper extended his arm backwards, trying to throw her off.

"Ah! He speaks!" She momentarily loosened her own arm, to ruffle his hair.

Using this to his advantage, Jasper threw her off of him. She leaned on her back, using her hands to take the worst hit. Her sleeve momentarily slipped up, allowing Jasper to catch a glimpse of an anchor tattoo before she quickly covered it by pulling her sleeve down.

The girl's glowing red eyes stared up at him in wonder and amusement. She smacked her blood red lips, raising an eyebrow,"Boy's got skills."

She jumped to her feet, throwing her long hair over her shoulder,"You wanna dance?"

"Of course you do,"She held out her hand, Jasper saw red light radiate off of her.

She beamed,"I'm hot." As she saw it she flung scorching hot around liquid at Jasper.

Jasper dodged it, the moment it hit the ground it hardened into a black rock.

Jasper furrowed his brows, looking down at it,"Lava?"

She put her hand on her hip,"That's what they call me."

Jasper looked up at her, she was closer than she had been a moment ago,"You call yourself Lava?"

She stopped in front of him, cocking her head to the side,"Yes. Problem with that?"

She didn't give Jasper a chance to answer, she glanced off to the side,"My name is actually Malicious. My mother was Vicious. Problem started with grandma calling her daughter Vicious."She laughed bitterly,"So she named her daughter Malicious. It's good that I don't have a sister called Hellacious." She rolled her eyes.

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