Chapter 4 - The art of flirting

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Siren blaring, red lights flashing made Jasper jump. Sky laughed lightly,"That's an alert. When the sirens go off like that, the case is severe. Probably a bank robbery or something."

An intercom went off, Jasper raised his head to see the little intercom box near the ceiling against the wall,"Robbery at Python City Bank. Hostage situation."

Adrian clapped his hands, smiling widely."Let's go!" He swung his arm around Jasper's shoulder.

"Wait," Said Jasper, confused,"Me too?" Adrian steered him out of the lounge, and into another room.

The room had changing rooms. Super suits hanging on the changing room doors. The suits were yellow, purple, aqua blue, dark blue and green.

On a shelf stood arrays of different motorcycle helmets. All differently coloured, probably to match the super's outfit, the visors specifically tinted to conceal the identity of the super using it. At least six of them stood next to each other on the shelf, a mustard yellow one, aqua blue, dark blue, violet, green and a plain black one.

All of them went into their rooms to change. Jasper awkwardly waited for them. A long bench stood in the middle of the room. With a sigh Jasper decided to sit down.

Adrian was the first to come out, he walked over to the bench to put his boots on.

"Why must I go too? I'm not a super. I don't belong there." Jasper his voice laced with tiredness.

" Maybe it can cheer you up." Adrian suggested.

Jasper laughed , " I saw my parents dead. I don't think anything will cheer me up. And you know what is the worst? I don't feel anything. You're supposed to feel something right?"

Adrian looked up at him, " Okay let me rephrase that. It will take your mind off things. Maybe you'd even get to punch someone."

" How much will it help to punch someone who has super powers?" Jasper asked.

" You can throw a mean punch."

Jasper lips tugged upwards a little bit. " Okay I'll go."

Adrian stood up, eyeing him seriously, " You know I wasn't asking."

Adrian's whole suit was dark blue. His signature colour. He was wearing a cape,a long sleeved shirt that looked like leather. Along with a bulletproof vest. Luckily he wasn't wearing tight pants.

"Okay Mr. Smart cloud if I do have superpowers. What can I do?" Jasper asked.

Sky exited her room, her colour is Aqua blue. She was wearing a cape too along with tights, a tank top and boots.

" Smart Cloud! Ha I love that." Sky burst out of laughter. Adrian glared at her.

"Sorry." She continued laughing while putting her helmet on. Adrian ignored her.

"Based on what you told me something related to fire or smoke,"

"Ah, fireboy. We could do with a pyrokinetic hero." Sky said with a thin voice.

"A pyroki-what now?" Jasper asked confused.

"Pyrokinesis, the ability to manipulate and control fire," Kiara said coming out of her room.

Jasper looked at her outfit. She wore green boots, a sleeveless green jacket and tights.

Kiara didn't say anything more, just took her helmet and walked out the door.

A hoodie was thrown at Jasper, "Put this on. I'll give you a helmet. The police are going to be there so put on the helmet and don't say anything around them. If they ask I'll just tell them that you are a new recruit and you are there to learn the ropes. And you should call us by our superhero names out there. Do remember all the names?" Adrian said.

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