Chapter 1 - Break the Habit

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Police cars raced up and down the streets, their sirens blaring.

Jasper walked quickly gravel crunching underneath his old worn out orange sneakers. His hands shoved in his hoodie's pockets. His hood pulled tightly over his head because of the rain. His footsteps were quick, posture stressed.

Jasper's blond hair was messy from the countless times he ran his hands through it and from his hood. His electric blue eyes dark with anger. His jaw clenched.

The sound of people running echoed through the almost empty park.

Which is surprising for the school holidays. Even though it is summer, the misty rain weather made people hide away in their homes.

The park seemed fairly big. Fern park flowed into the forest. Making the park appear bigger than it actually is.

The old wood of the benches and the dark antique lamp posts looked beautiful next to the park pathways.

There are so many trees in the park it looks like it's a part of the forest. The beautiful trees were consumed by the heavy fog.

A few meters from Jasper, a girl sat on the wet bench, observing the world around her. She couldn't see Jasper clearly but his figure was visible.

As he got closer to her she noticed the dozen people running behind him. All of them wearing bulletproof vests their guns were aimed at Jasper.

One bald officer appeared to be the leader. He was in front of the group and when he put his hand up and made a fist the group stopped.

"Jasper Wells, I'm Officer Grayson, we got you surrounded! Freeze!," The bald officer yelled.

Jasper swore under his breath reluctantly he stopped in his tracks," I don't see anyone of you in front of me so that statement is not accurate,"

"Shut your mouth! Put your hands up slowly,"

Jasper's lips curled up a bit, "You just told me to freeze I can't move if I must freeze,"

"Put your hands in the air now!" Another officer demanded.

"No sense of humour then," Jasper muttered to himself. He shook his head to get his hair out of his eyes and slowly put his hands in the air.

His eyes made contact with the girl for a few seconds. It was the same girl from the day before. The police handcuffed him dragging his gaze away from hers.

"Jasper Wells you're under arrest for a double homicide," Officer Grayson spat out.

24 hours earlier

Jasper sat anxiously in the coffee shop waiting for the email to come through. His back rested against the uncomfortable plastic red chair. His foot tapped up and down annoying people nearby.

Glares and dirty looks were thrown at him but he ignored it. The results were too important to pay attention to them.

He stared at his laptop screen as if staring will make it come faster.

Jasper was waiting for the email that told him if he got into his dream college or not. Well rather his parents' dream college for him. He didn't want to go to that college. Where he had to live among a bunch of kids that just want to party and nothing else. No, Jasper wanted to become a firefighter.

His parents, Henry and Jane Wells wanted him to go into politics. Henry Wells is the current mayor of Python City. Their dreams are that one day Jasper can take the mayor position.

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