Chapter 2 - Arrested

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"Neehun! Sushi! BeaBaam! To the door! To the air you go, evil spirits. Leave the premises. To the door!" Jane shouted she balanced herself on one foot on her yoga mat. Scented candles stood in a circle around her mat.

Her dark hair in a perfect bun. She was wearing her usual yoga clothes. Which consisted black yoga pants and a sleeveless light green shirt.

Henry walked passed her on his way to the kitchen. He immediately went for the coffee machine.

" Where's the coffee?" He asked his wife. He eyed her with the raise of a eyebrow

" I threw it out," She answered casually. While her eyes were closed she was fighting a grin.

Henry's eyes widened," What? You may call it coffee, but I call it my emotional support beverage."

" You have enough emotional support right here," She pointed to herself, her eyes still closed,"Caffeine is bad for you. There is green tea if you want some."

" Green tea is rotten water." Henry muttered he made sure his wife's not looking, he reached into another cupboard and pulled out some instant coffee.

Jane changed her yoga pose," BaamSheeNu!"

Jasper sleepily passed his mother," Mom?What are you doing?"

" Dismissing the spirits of the wicked." She went down in a child's pose.

Jasper raised his eyebrows and looked at his father. His father shrugged.

"Wait, where's the coffee?" Jasper yelled his eyes widening.

" In ashes," Henry put his hand on his heart dramatically. When he was sure Jane wasn't looking, he showed Jasper the instant coffee and put his finger on his lips.

Jasper nodded," Coffee you will be missed. Rest in peace."

" You gave your coffee addiction to your son. Way the go Henry. Oh yes that reminds me, Jasper, how is Edna doing?" She referred to Jasper's girlfriend.

" She's great. Actually I'm gonna go see her today."

" That's great! Enjoy it Jasper," Jane stood up and blew out her candles.

" All the evil spirits gone?" Henry asked with a mocking smile.

" Not quite no. I think I'm looking at one," She glared at Henry.

Jasper finished his coffee and washed his cup. He looked at his watch," I'm gonna meet Edna in thirty minutes. I better get going."

" You know you can just take one of the cars." Jane rolled up her mat.

" I like walking. I see the world around me. I don't just race by."

" Okay then. See you later. I better get to work." Henry sighed, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Are you going to the office or working from home today?" Jane asked.

" I'm gonna work from home today," Henry answered. Jane nodded.

" Walk safe!" Jane yelled as Jasper walked to his room.

" I will!" He yelled back. Jasper grabbed his phone and everything he'd need. He dashed downstairs. He glanced at the golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling. He thought to himself, it belonged in a five star hotel not a house.

When he opened the front door, he heard his mother yell, " Is that coffee?" Jasper smiled to himself and quickly closed the door.


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