Chapter 9 - Reflections and Madness. Ice and Glamour

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Jasper was pretty excited when his super suit arrived. Made of flexible material, perfect to move around in without feeling uncomfortable.

The basic mechanics were explained to Jasper. The suit is specifically made for the super, it contained material to be set alight and bliss the flames by itself. A motorcycle like helmet was given as the 'mask', the visor was tinted with whichever colour the super's colour scheme was, an intercom system was installed for the super to communicate with the robot. As well as an earpiece for communication with the other supers or HQ itself.

The robot controlled the suit, it could control the powers. It could restrict a super from using their powers if said powers were being mistreated.

Jasper also signed the official documents making him a super. It still felt surreal, the last few weeks. His parents were dead, murdered. The police suspect him. He escaped, the police haven't made any other comments on the case. He found out he has superpowers and now, he's a super himself.

Jasper's foot tapped up and down impatiently. His parents killer is out there and he's just sitting here. Doing nothing.

"Stop that." Kiara said, throwing a glance in his direction."The best you can do is stay here. You're already a super, you're already helping."

Jasper opened his mouth to reason but Kiara held up a finger,"No, I know you want to do more. I know you want to go out into the streets and track down the son of a cat, and trust me I'd be right behind you. But everything happens for a reason, you just have to trust and wait. We will find them, no matter how long it will take. We will find them." She gave him a reassuring smile.

Jasper nodded, staring at the floor. Silence engulfed the group and for a moment, the only sounds came from Strike's treadmill.

Adrian sighed, placing his hands behind his head. He leaned back in his chair." This is so boring! No action."

The words barely left his mouth when several alarms went off. A white light shone brightly. Sky furrowed her brows," White light means more than five alerts at once."

She rolled her eyes and gave Adrian a look,"No action, really? Famous last words."

Adrian sprung forward in his seat, tapping away on the computer. He rambled off the addresses of the locations, giving each super a mission.

There were six alerts, one for each super." Wait!" Jasper blurted, Adrain turned to him. Silently ushering him to speak

"This is the first time I'll go out on my own." Adrian's face broke out in a smile. He gave Jasper a reassuring pat on the back.

"You'll be fine, you can test out your new suit now." With a laugh, Adrian left him to go change.

Jasper sighed, following the others to the changing room and grabbing his new shiny suit on the way.


Kiara arrived at the address given to her. Her eyes scanned the area suspiciously, the location seemed somewhat abandoned.

It was a large open area, looks to be an old abandoned dock. The location was ideal for it, between the river and the coast.

The sun hung high in the sky, looking down at the world below. The waves crashed gently against the shore. A few hundred meters away from Kiara, the raging river flowed into the ocean.

Kiara's green eyes did another sweep of the area, everything seemed perfectly normal. Sure it was abandoned, but that was normal.

She was just about to command her robot to contact HQ to report when a voice stopped her. "They sent you?" The disembodied female voice snickered.

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