Chapter 15 - Blizzard

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"I'm glad you didn't get lost in the portrait hall." Adrian's mother said to him the moment he stepped a foot into the room.

Adrian rolled his eyes, stepping aside to let the others enter to office. He noticed another man in the room, but said nothing about it.

Out loud he said,"Yes mother, I did not get lost in the isle of gorgeous super humans."

She didn't respond, instead she smiled to the others, some like Kiara had taken a seat, others like Jasper, decided to stand. "Glad you could make it."

"I,"She began, leaning back in her chair, her dark hair falling down her shoulder into her white jacket,"Am glad to introduce Detective Jack Garraway."

She indicated to the man who was standing near the window. His hands in his enormous rain jacket's pockets and a fedora hat on his head. He nodded in greeting,"Pleased to meet all of you."

His eyes focused on Jasper, "Jasper Wells." He stepped forward, making Jasper gulp. He pulled his hand out of his pocket.

Holding out his hand for Jasper to shake,"I am deeply sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how you must feel,"

Jasper reluctantly took the British police detective's hand. Shaking it with a firm grib.

"I'm guessing you're wondering why I gathered you here today." Adriana, Adrian's mother, folding her hands into each other.

"Not for a wedding I hope,"Kiara joked.

Adriana glared at the girl, making her skrink back in her chair. Kiara is a sarcastic, fiesty girl, but she knows her limits. And right now, you don't poke the bear. To this day she didn't know what powers Adriana has, if she even has any.

And if she got it right, no one knew what powers she could have. Kiara Never bothered to ask Adrian.

"Det. Garraway will from now on work beside you on the case of Henry and Jane Wells."

Jasper felt his shoulders tense, all this time he spent running from the police now he has to work for them?

"So,"Jasper started,"I am not under suspicion anymore?"

Garraway shook his head,"You are no longer under suspicion of committing the crime."

Jasper took a large intake of breath, relief flooding through his veins. Garraway continued,"So we need your help to find the real persons behind it."

"We believe the killer has powers." As the words registered in his mind, Jasper suddenly remembered something from that day.

"It was a teleporter." Jasper said, earning an interested glance from the detective.

"After...I...they…"he cleared his throat,"After I found them dead,"The words felt bitter on his tongue,"I found someone in the house. I chased them to the park, and they just disappeared. In front of me, like a teleporter."

Garraway frowned,"Nothing of this was in the police report."

Jasper shook his head, pressing his lips together,"I never told the two detectives who questioned me. They never even asked, they immediately accused me."

Garraway scoffed,"Bloody tossers."

"Anyway," Adriana said, breaking the silence that fell upon. She picked up the file on her desk, reading it for a moment before dropping it again,"The newest addition, Blizzard. I'm sure you know her,"She said addressing the supers.

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