Chapter 8 - The call

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"Is it ready yet?" A muffled voice said in his right ear. Faking a yawn, the man raised his hand and whispered,"Almost, just adding the finishing touches."

"Get it done. And remember, don't mess it up." The man on the other line said through the miniature earpiece.

He nodded," Everything will be perfect." Not receiving a reply from his companion, the man rose from the bench he sat on.

Walking towards the two story white expensive building, he blended into the crowd. He spotted a tour group stop right outside the entrance. Casually tucking his hands in his jean's pockets, he quickly strided over to them. Stopping at the back of the group, no one noticed his presence.

He made eye contact with a janitor nearby sweeping the floor. The janitor gave a slight nod, and the man tipped his baseball cap at him.

The man did a sweep of the area. It was unquestionably busy today. It was a bright, hot, summer's day. There was a slight breeze in the air. Teenagers giggled with their friends. New parents showed their young children the building's architecture. Tour guides explained the history of the building. Couples held hands, smiling adoringly at each other. The palm trees did little to provide shade from the harsh sun. Lamp posts decorated the walkways. A stone railing encircled neat colourful flowers in the centre.

The man gazed up to the top of the building with a smile, where pillars supported the glass dome. And all this, the man thought, will soon be ruined.

One teenage girl made eye contact with him when he lowered his gaze. She lowered her sunglasses and winked at him. Sliding her glasses back up her nose, she swayed her hips as she walked away. A few males focused on her short mini skirt as she made her way through the crowds. Passing the janitor, she discreetly handed him something, before disappearing in the crowd.

The janitor stuffed the item in his pocket and pushed his trolley away. As he walked, he passed a boy with a skateboard. The two made eye contact, with a small nod both went opposite directions.

The skater boy opened his mouth sticking out his tongue as he threw a rectangular device at his shaggy haired friend.

The shaggy haired guy with a mop of blonde curls, quickly glanced around before placing the object behind a pot plant.

As he did so, he caught the gaze of a twenty something year old woman. She tugged her lips upwards as a reply, her expensive jewellery glowing in the sun.

She passed the crowds, stopping at a man in the back of the tour group. She stood on his tiptoes to give him a 'kiss' on the cheek. Angling her head to the side, she whispered,"Everything's ready."

Taking a step back from him, she gave him a loving smile as she took a place beside him.

He pretended to adjust his baseball cap, he whispered."Everything's done." As a reply, he heard laughter.

Finally after cooling down, he asked his companion on the other side,"Did you make the call yet?"

"No," he said,"Just about to." He could hear the smugness in his voice. The man smiled in satisfaction, now they just had to wait.


It was a quiet day at the super's hideout. Not many calls come through, Violet was to return soon. She already healed and just had to get the go ahead from the doctor.

Mike hadn't said anything to Kiara about the other night, and Kiara kept her lips sealed. Even though he didn't say anything, Kiara knew he was grateful for that.

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